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Términos sobre el tema Ambiente (26921 статья)
Zeitungen und Illustrierte,gemischt,ohne Kleberücken news and pamphlets free from adhesive bindings
Zeitungen,Remittenden overissue news
Zeitverzug timelag
zeitweilige Lagerung temporary deposit of waste
Zellbiochemie cell biochemistry
Zelle cell (The microscopic functional and structural unit of all living organisms, consisting of a nucleus, cytoplasm, and a limiting membrane; biology)
Zellen-Luftfilter cellular air filter
zellenartige Fraktionierung respirable convention
Zellstoff pulp (The cellulosic material produced by reducing wood mechanically or chemically and used in making paper and cellulose products. Also known as wood pulp)
Zellstoffbleiche pulp-bleaching
Zellstoffindustrie cellulose industry (No definition needed)
Zellstoffindustrie cellulose industry
Zellstoffindustrie pulp industry (A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of commercial enterprises is engaged in manufacturing and selling the soft, moist, slightly cohering mass deriving from wood that is used to produce paper sheets, cardboard and other paper products)
zelluloseabbauende Enzyme cellulolytic enzymes
zellulosehaltiger Abfall cellulose waste
Zellzyklon cellular cyclone
Zement cement (A dry powder made from silica, alumina, lime, iron oxide, and magnesia which hardens when mixed with water; used as an ingredient in concrete)
Zementherstellung cement manufacture (Cement is produced by heating a mixture of clay or shale plus chalk or lime in a rotary kiln up to 250 m long per 8 m diameter rotating at 1 rpm. The process can be wet, semi-dry or dry and the fuel can be pulverized coal, oil or gas. As the coal ash is similar in composition to the clay or shale, it can stay in the cement clinker. As one of the kiln operator's major costs is fuel and even a modest sized kiln can consume 8-10 tons of coal per hour, the cement kiln could, therefore, solve a disposal problem and also benefit the cement manufacturer by reducing fuel costs)
Zementindustrie cement industry (Industry for the production of cement. The emissions of most relevance from this sector are atmospheric: dust, carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides are the most important. Cement is essential for the construction sector, either directly or mixed with sand or gravel to form concrete)
Zentil percentile, centile