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Términos sobre el tema Finanzas (14023 статей)
"squeeze-out" squeeze-out
"uppifrån och ned" med användning av restposter top-down using odd lots
"walkaway"-klausul "walkaway" clause
"ways and means" kredit "ways and means" facility
"zon A centralbank" zone A central bank
1 nationell valutaenhet = ecu 1 unit of national currency = ECU
1 nationell valutaenhet = USD 1 unit of national currency = USD
1/20-regeln 1/20 rule
12b-1-avgifter 12b-1 fees
12b-1-fonder 12b-1 funds
1979 års antidumpningskod Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the GATT
1979 års antidumpningskod Anti-Dumping Code
1a)dagskurs current market value
1b)dagsnotering current market value
2-dagars spotkontrakt two-day spot
401K-plan 401K plan
403B-plan 403B plan
5-15 års löptid medium
5-15 års löptid medium-dated gilt-edged stock
5-dagars futurekontrakt five-day future