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Términos sobre el tema Ambiente (23140 статей)
abete del Guatemala Guatemalan fir
abete del Guatemala Guatemalan pinabete
abete rosso spruce
abiotica abiotic
abiotico abiotic
abitante inhabitant (A person occupying a region, town, house, country, etc.)
abitante equivalente population equivalent
abitante equivalente p.e.
abitazione dwelling (Any enclosed space wholly or partially used or intended to be used for living, sleeping, cooking, and eating)
abitazione individuale single family dwelling (An unattached dwelling unit inhabited by an adult person plus one or more related persons)
abitazione individuale single family dwelling
abitazione privata private household (Living quarters where a group of persons (family) live together)
abitazione privata private household
abitazione sovraffolato overcrowded dwelling
abiti clothes
abusivismo edilizio unauthorised building
abuso di farmaci drug abuse
acari mite
acari mite (An order of small Arachnida with rounded bodies. Mites are very abundant in the soil, feeding on plant material and invertebrate animals. Some parasitic mites (e.g. red spider) damage crops and can be serious pests. Others cause diseases in animals. Ticks are blood-suckers, some being vectors of diseases such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever in humans and fowls, and louping ill in cattle and sheep)
Accademia europea per l'ambiente urbano European Urban Environment Academy