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Términos sobre el tema Ambiente (22519 статей)
lagoon (A body of water cut off from the open sea by coral reefs or sand bars) λιμνοθάλασσα
lagoon (A body of water cut off from the open sea by coral reefs or sand bars) δεξαμενή
lagoon λιμνοθάλασσα
lagoon λιμνοθάλασσα/δεξαμενή
lagoon operation βιολογικός καθαρισμός λυμάτων
lagoon operation πρωτοβάθμια καθίζηση
lagooning πρωτοβάθμια καθίζηση
lagooning πρωτοβάθμια καθίζηση/δεξαμενισμός (υγρών αποβλήτων)
lagooning (The process in which sunlight, bacterial action and oxygen cause self-purification in waste water, Usually taking place in a shallow pond, or system of such ponds) δεξαμενισμός
lagooning βιολογικός καθαρισμός λυμάτων
Lagrangian model μοντέλο Lagrange
Lagrangian model πρότυπο Lagrange
lagrangian model πρότυπο Lagrange
lagrangian model μοντέλο Lagrange
lake (An enclosed body of water, usually but not necessarily fresh water, from which the sea is excluded) λίμνη
lake basin (1. The depression in the Earth's surface occupied or formerly occupied by a lake and containing its shore features. 2. The area from which a lake receives drainage) λιμνολεκάνη
lake bloom πληθυσμιακή έκρηξη των υδρόβιων φυτών
Lake Chad Basin Commission Eπιτροπή της Λεκάνης της Λίμνης Tσάντ
lake of gypsum karst λίμνη καρστικού γύψου
lake pollution λιμναία ρύπανση