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Términos sobre el tema Ambiente (7397 статей)
unhindered settling 自由无影响沉积作用
unified system safety analysis 统一系统安全分析
uninterrupted transpiration 连续蒸腾
uninterrupted transpiration 不间断蒸腾
unit leaf rate 单位叶速度
unit leaf rate 单位叶速度指叶生长
United Nations (A voluntary association of around 180 state signatory to the UN charter (1945), whose primary aim is to maintain international peace and security, solve economic, social, and political problems through international co-operation, and promote respect for human rights) 联合国
United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy 联合国新能源和可再生能源大会
United Nations Conference on the Human Environment 联合国人类环境会议
United Nations Environment Programme 联合国环境规划
United Nations Human Environment Conference 联合国人类环境会议
United Nations Scientific Conference on the Conservation and Utilization of Resources 联合国资源保护和利用科学会议
United Nations World Meteorological Organization 联合国世界气象组织
United States Environment and Resources Council 美国环境和资源委员会
United States Environment Protection Agency 美国环境保护局
United States Weather Broad 美国气象局
unitransport 特异运输
unitransport 特异转运
unitransport 专一传输
unleaded petrol (Petrol with a low octane rating, which has no lead additives in it and therefore creates less lead pollution in the atmosphere) 无铅汽油