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Términos sobre el tema General (130309 статей)
a daughter of Eve Evina kdi
a dead cert stoposto sigurno
a deadly feud krvna osveta
a dirty night olujna noć
a dirty night kišna noć
a disposition of Providence volja božja
a dress rehearsal generalna proba
a dress rehearsal generalka
a drug in the market roba bez prođe
a dying wish poslednja želja
a far cry daleko
a fast friend pouzdan prijatelj
a fat dab mastan zalogaj
a feather in (one's) cap čast
a feather in (one's) cap dika
a feather in (one's) cap ponos
a feather in (one's) cap trofej
a feeding gale oluja koja biva sve jača
a felt hat filcani šešir
a few nekoliko