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Терміни у тематиці Довкілля (21507 статей)
daño por tormenta storm damage (Storms may cause flooding and damage to crops; uproot trees; damage roofs and chimneys; break windows, leading to rain damage; overturn trucks; affect transportation, communication and energy supplies; delay building construction and destroy traditional landmarks. In their more violent form, storms may cause severe damage and loss of life)
daño por tormenta storm damage
daños en el equilibrio natural damage to the natural balance
daños en la capa de ozono depletion of the ozone layer
daños foliares leaf damage
daños personales por incendio fire injury
daños por maniobras militares damage from military manoeuvres (Injury or harm resulting from the planned movement of armed forces or from the tactical exercises simulating war operations that is carried out for training and evaluation purposes)
daños por maniobras militares damage from military manoeuvres
daños producidos por la contaminación pollution damage
daños y perjuicios damage (An injury or harm impairing the function or condition of a person or thing)
daños y perjuicios damage
dasiuridos marsupial mice
dato sobre dinámica de la población population dynamics data
datos ambientales environmental data (Information concerning the state or condition of the environment)
datos ambientales environmental data
datos de actividad local local activity data
datos de emisión emission data (Data concerning pollutants released into the environment from a permanent or mobile installation or from products)
datos de emisión emission data
datos de funcionamiento operating data (Data referring to the practical carrying-out of a process)
datos de funcionamiento operating data