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Терміни у тематиці Абревіатура (856150 статей)
BIDS baggage information display system
BNS baggage not seen message
BPM baggage processed message
left luggage office baggage room Bobrov­ska
BM baggage-and-mail Vosoni
BHS baggage-handling system
BMIS baggage-management information system
BCLM baggage/cargo loading manual
BGD bagged
BSCF bagged sterile, clean and ready-to fill harser
B/S bags
bgs bags
BS bags
b.s. bags
BMD baguio mining district
The word is most associated with Ebenezer Scrooge, a character created by Charles Dickens. His famous reference to Christmas bah hum bag Kugelb­litz
BALS bahama islands
B.I. bahama islands
BT baht
B baht