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Терміни у тематиці Абревіатура (856005 статей)
GDC survey a combination gamma ray log, densilog, and caliper log
Com-Pro log a computer processed interpretation log
ACTIS a computerized tribology information system
NAVEAM a consecutively numbered radio message originated by United Kingdom authorities to disseminate urgent information affecting navigation in North European and Mediterranean waters
Corod a continuous sucker-rod string with no joints
VAMA a copolymer of vinylacetate and maleic anhydride
a dato a d.
Lean Back a dance for fat guys, but fat guys can only go as far as turn sideways Muravi
ADBMS a data base management system
ADS a data system
C2-protect a defensive form of command and control warfare
ADRS a departmental reporting system
ADDO a depositary of development documents
ADDO a depositary of development documents jagr68­80
DSHA a deterministic procedure to evaluate the ground motion hazard at a site
ADEPT a device emulation program & tool
Diplog a dipmeter log
V-G meter a direct-indicating viscosimeter
CDSB a document is used for responding effective ship-set Customer's CDSA and product packaging solution
take a Mickey Finn a drink drugged with knock-out drops