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Einträge zur Thematik Umwelt (6407 статей)
oihan pribatu private forest (No definition needed)
oihan publiko state forest (Forest owned and managed by the State)
oihan-baliabideen ebaluazio forest resource assessment
oihan-ekonomia forestry economics (The production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services from the industry involved with the process of establishing and managing forests)
oihan-erreserba forest reserve (Forest area set aside for the purpose of protecting certain fauna and flora, or both)
oihan-estalkiaren suntsidura forest cover destruction (Destruction of forests is carried out in many countries in order to provide new land for agricultural or livestock purposes. It is often done without factors such as climate and topography having been sufficiently studied and on lands where slope nature of the soil or other physiographic characteristics clearly indicate that the land involved is suitable only for forest. Although these practices may lead to a temporary increase in productivity, there are also many indications that in the long run there is usually a decrease in productivity per unit of surface and that erosion and irreversible soil deterioration often accompany this process. Many factors contribute to forest cover destruction: timber production, clearance for agriculture, cutting for firewood and charcoal, fires, droughts, strip mining, pollution, urban development, population pressures, and warfare)
oihan-industria forest industry (A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of establishments is engaged in the management of an extensive area of woodland, often to produce products and benefits such as timber, wildlife habitat, clean water, biodiversity and recreation)
oihan-izurrite forest pest (Organisms that damage trees)
oihan-politika forest policy (A course of action adopted and pursued by government or some other organization, which seeks to preserve or protect an extensive area of woodland, often to produce products and benefits such as timber, wildlife habitat, clean water, biodiversity and recreation)
oihan-sute forest fire (A conflagration in or destroying large wooded areas having a thick growth of trees and plants)
oihan-suteen prebentzio prevention of forest fires (Precautionary actions, measures or installations implemented to avert the possibility of an unexpected conflagration of any large wooded area having a thick growth of trees and plants)
oihan-ustiapen forest exploitation (Forests have been exploited over the centuries as a source of wood and for obtaining land for agricultural use. The mismanagement of forest lands and forest resources has led to a situation where the forest is now in rapid retreat. The main aspects of the situation are: serious shortages in the supply of industrial wood; the catastrophic erosion and floods accompanying the stripping of forests from mountainous land; the acute shortages of fuel wood in much of the developing world; the spread of desert conditions at an alarming rate in the arid and semi-arid regions of the world; and the many environmental effects of the destruction of tropical rainforests)
oihanean eragindako kalte forest damage (Reduction of tree population in forests caused by acidic precipitation, forest fires, air pollution, deforestation, pests and diseases of trees, wildlife, etc.)
oihanean eragindako kalteen inbentario inventory of forest damage (Survey of a forest area to determine forest depletion. The aim of the inventory is to give an overview of the forest conditions. Especially should the inventory aim to detect any changes in the forest conditions, but it should also provide the distribution of the forest damages and find out any relation with site and stand conditions)
oihaneko ekosistema woodland ecosystem (The interacting system of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings in wooded areas or land areas covered with trees and shrubs)
oihaneko erreserba biologiko forest biological reserve (Forest areas which are protected and guarded from deforestation because of the fragility of its ecosystems, and because they provide habitats for hundreds of species of plants and animals)
oihaneko produktu forest product (Any material afforded by a forest for commercial use, such as tree products and forage)
oihaneko produkzio forest production (Forests produce a range of products including firewood and charcoal, lumber, paper, and crops such as coffee, oil palm, and rubber. With careful planning of growth and harvesting, wood and other forest products are, in principle, renewable resources. But achieving renewability takes time - often decades, sometimes centuries. Without careful management, pressure for short-term exploitation can lead to tree removal, soil degradation, and conversion of woodland to other uses. Consumption of forest resources can lead to environmental problems as well as loss of critical habitat and species)
oihaneko soilgune woodland clearance (The permanent clear-felling of an area of forest or woodland. On steep slopes this can lead to severe soil erosion, especially where heavy seasonal rains or the melting of snow at higher levels cause sudden heavy flows of water. In the humid tropics it may also lead to a release of carbon dioxide from the soil)
oihanen babes forest protection (Branch of forestry concerned with the prevention and control of damage to forests arising from the action of people or livestock, of pests and abiotic agents)