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Термины по тематике ООН (Организация Объединенных Наций) (8542 статей)
DDT Regional Consultation to Prepare African Countries Towards Reduction of Reliance on DDT for Malaria Control 为防治疟疾协助非洲国家减少对滴滴涕的依赖区域协商
de-alerting 解除核武器待命状态
de-authorized" for wartime conduct 授权由于战时行为而被撤销
De-target nuclear weapons 放弃目标
deactivation 使武器失效
dealkylation 脱烷基作用
death squad 行刑队
debt buy-back 债务回购
debt financing 债务资金筹措
debt for environment swap 债换环保
debt for environmental protection swap 债换环保
debt for nature swap 债换环保
debt for sustainable development swap 债换可持续发展
debt forgiveness 债务减免
debt indicators 债务指标
debt rescheduling or restructuring 重订还债期或重组债务
debt securities 债券
debt service coverage 偿债率
debt stock reduction 削减债务
debt sustainability 债务承受力