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Термины по тематике Военный термин (73214 статей)
GAF government aircraft factory
GAF ground attack fighter
GAFCON German Air Force communications net
GAG;G/A/G ground-to-air-to-ground
GAGDT ground-to-air-to-ground data terminal
GAI gate alarm indicator
GAI general accounting instructions
Gaining Command GC
Gaining Command Code GCC
Gaining Major Air Command GMAC
Galleons G
GAM ground-to-air missile
GAM general aeronautical material
GAM guided aircraft missile
Game Informer GI
Game Of Pure Strategy GOPS
Games and Sports in the Army GSA
gamma radiation A nuclear electromagnetic radiation of sufficient energy to cause ionization, emitted by many radionuclides during decay. Gamma rays have a range of several kilometres in air and are highly penetrating, they are primarily an external hazard
GAMO ground and amphibious military operations
GAMP guided antiarmor mortar projectile