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Термины по тематике Энергетика (8552 статей)
IBR incorporation by reference
ICA item control area
ICAD in-core axial detector
ICAP crediting of available power
ICAP international code assessment program
ICCGR international cyclic crack growth rate
ICCMS inadequate core cooling monitoring system
ICCS in-core control structure
ICCT innovative clean coal technology
ICD in-core drive
ICES Integrated community energy system
ICESP International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation
ICFM in-core fuel management
ICG International cooperative group
ICGCP integrated coal gasification combined cycle plant
ICO installation, commissioning and operation
ICONE International Conference on Nuclear Engineering
ICONTT International Conference on Nuclear Technology Transfer
ICP-AES inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy
ICS information and computer system