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主题的术语 环境 (21507 статей)
abono organico vegetal mulch
abono semilíquido semi-liquid manure (No definition needed)
abono semilíquido semi-liquid manure
abono y abono líquido manure and slurry
abonos orgánicos y fertilizantes naturales natural fertiliser (Organic material added to the soil to supply chemical elements needed for plant nutrition)
abonos orgánicos y fertilizantes naturales natural fertiliser
absorbente de apagado quench absorber
Absorbentes, materiales de filtración, trapos de limpieza y ropas protectoras absorbents, filter materials, wiping clothes and protective clothing
absorción absorption (exposure, The taking in of fluids or other substances by cells or tissues)
absorción (exposición) absorption (exposure)
absorción acústica acoustic absorption
absorción contaminante pollutant absorption (The process by which a pollutant is physically incorporated into another substance or body)
absorción contaminante pollutant absorption
absorción del agua pulverizada spray absorption
absorción del CO2 CO2 capture
absorción del CO2 capture of CO2
absorción del CO2 carbon dioxide capture
absorción del ruido noise absorption
absorpción sorption (The taking up, usually, of a liquid or gas into the body of another material (the absorbent). Thus, for instance, an air pollutant may be removed by absorption in a suitable solvent)
absorpción sorption