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主题的术语 银行业 (3032 статей)
Nachzugsaktien deferred shares
Namenheft book by nome
Namenheft registered book
Nationalbank-Girokonto clearing account with the National Bank
nationalbankfähige Wertpapiere bills and securities negotiable by the National Bank
nationalbankfähiger Wechsel bill eligible for National Bank discount
nationalbankfähiger Wechsel bill eligible for National Bonk discount
nationalbankföhige Wertpapiere bills and securities negotiable by the National Bonk
Nebensystem ancillary system
negative Hypothekenklausel negative mortgage security clause
negative Hypothekenklausel negative pledge clause
negative Verpfändungsklausel negative pledging clause
Negativzins interest charge
Negotiation negotiation
negoziabel negotiable
Negoziierung negotiation
Nennwert nominal amount
netto Kasse ohne Abzug net cash
Nettobetriebsgewinn net operating profit
Nettoertrag net proceeds