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Terminy tematyki Ochrona środowiska (31552 статей)
garbage dump décharge
garbage grinding broyage d'ordures
garbage power énergie tirée des déchets urbains
garbage, trash, rubbish and waste collection services services de collecte des ordures, détritus, rebuts et déchets
garden (A piece of land next to a house where flowers and other plants are grown and which often has an area of grass) jardin
garden jardin
garden and park waste (including cemetery waste) déchets de jardins et de parcs (y compris les déchets de cimetière)
garden bulbul bulbul gris
garden waste déchets de jardins
garden waste déchet de jardin
garden waste (Natural organic matter discarded from gardens and yards including leaves, grass clippings, prunings, brush and stumps) déchet de jardin
garigue garrigue
garnetted stock effiloché
GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment Expérience tropicale du GARP dans l'Atlantique
garrigue (Mediterranean bush consisting of low evergreen shrubs and abundant herbaceous plants) garrigue
garrigue garrigue
gas (A substance that continues to occupy in a continuous manner the whole of the space in which it is placed, however large or small this place is mad, the temperature remaining constant) gaz
gas analysis equipment installation d'analyse des gaz
Gas Carrier Code Recueil de règles relatives à la construction et à l'équipement des navires transportant des gaz liquéfiés en vrac
gas chromatography (A separation technique involving passage of a gaseous moving phase through a column containing a fixed phase; it is used principally as a quantitative analytical technique for volatile compounds) chromatographie en phase gazeuse