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Terms for subject Microsoft (13209 entries)
Land Country/Region
Land/regio Country/Region
land/regio-code country/region code
land/regiospecifiek country/region-specific
landingspagina landing page
landinstellingen locale
landinstellingen voor de gebruiker user locale
landinstellingen-id locale ID
landinstellingen-id locale identifier
landnummer country code
landnummeropmaak international number format
lang bericht long message
lang gegevenstype Long data type
lange bestandsnaam long file name
lange datumnotatie long date
Lange tonen Long tones
langgerekt turtle contour
langlopend long grain
Language Integrated Query language-integrated query (A query syntax that defines a set of query operators that allow traversal, filter, and projection operations to be expressed in a direct, declarative way in any .NET-based programming language)
langzame pagina slow page