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Terms for subject Jargon (206 entries)
shit Scheisse
sick (having her period) krank
smart ass Klugscheißer
somebody who (tries to) tears open somebody else Aufreisser
Someone who always shits in their pants Hosenscheisser
sperm beard weisser Bart
stupid person Dumpfbacke
stupid person Pappnase
stupid talk Gebabbel
stupid talk Gebrabbel
stupid talk Gesabbel
stupid talk Geschwalle
stupid talk Gesülze
take a nap or doze off abpoofen
talk nonsense dummschwallen
testicles Eier
testicles Sack
The "Clap" (gonorrhea) Tripper
the can Klo
The flight was really shitty Der Flug war ganz beschissen