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Terms for subject Finances (40159 entries)
name of account 帐户名称
name of account 会计科目
name stoc 记名股票
name... as a currency manipulator 将…列为汇率操纵国
named bank 指定银行
named insured 记名受保人
named-peril insurance 指定灾害保险
Namibia Dollar 纳米比亚元
Namibian Stock Exchange
narrative form
narrative form
narrative form of profit and loss statement 报告式损益表
narrow market 不活跃市场
narrow money 狭义货币
narrow range securities 信托投资
narrow the development gap 缩小发展差距
NASDAQ 100 Index 纳斯达克 100指数
NASDAQ Bank 纳斯达克银行
NASDAQ Biotechnology Index 纳斯达克生物技术指数
NASDAQ Canada 加拿大纳斯达克