

link 5.11.2014 7:09 
Subject: с немецкого на английский2 law
Подкорректируйте, пожалуйста, мой перевод на английский:

Оригинал: Der Notar befragte die Erschienenen gem. § 3 Abs. 1 Nr. 7 BeurkG, ob der amtierende Notar oder ihm beruflich verbundene Personen, insbesondere Sozien in selber Praxis, in einer Angelegenheit, die Gegenstand dieser Beurkundung ist, außerhalb des Notaramtes tätig waren oder sind. Die Frage wurde von den Erschienenen verneint.

Мой вариант перевода: In accordance with item 7 of paragraph 1 of §3 of the Certification Law (BeurkG), the notary asked the person who appeared before him if the notary or persons associated with him professionally, especially his partners, acted or are acting in any capacity other than the capacity of the notary in the matter being the subject of this notarization. The person gave a negative answer to this question.


link 5.11.2014 10:47 
The notary duly asked the parties whether he
himself or any other lawyer connected to
him in professional partnership or sharing
joint office premises has already acted or is
already acting in the same matter for one of
the participants apart from any officiating
capacity, which would constitute a “prior
involvement” as per Section 3 paragraph 1
no. 7 of the German Notarisation Act
(Beurkundungsgesetz – BeurkG), the content
of which was discussed with the parties. The
parties answered in the negative.


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