

link 24.10.2006 13:33 
Subject: including costs on a Solicitor/Client bases - только это
Помогите с сабжем плиз


The Recipient shall indemnify the Discloser from any and against all foreseeable loss, damages and expenses (including costs on a Solicitor/Client bases), whatsoever incurred or suffered by the Discloser, which arise from or by virtue of the unauthorized disclosure or use (whatever intentional or unintentional) of the Confidential Information by the Recipient or any of its respective officers, employees or advisers or which otherwise arise from any such persons being in breach of any of the provisions of this agreement.

Спасибо за помощь!


link 24.10.2006 14:29 
как я предполагаю
costs on a Solicitor base - гонорары адвокатам
costs on a Client base - расходы, связанные с каждым клиентом


link 24.10.2006 20:34 
Света, снова проверьте Ваш неаккуратно слепленный оригинал.

*on a Solicitor/Client bases* - что-то тут не так...

"a" и "basЕs" как-то друг с другом не согласуются :-)


link 25.10.2006 6:25 
Спасибо lopuh!

2V может имелось в виду on a Solicitor, on Client bases ??? Или так нельзя? Скажу сегодня об этом заказчику, может что прояснится :)


link 25.10.2006 6:52 
там, конечно же, должно было быть on a Solicitor/Client basIs - в гугле полно. Что означает - не знаю. :-) Поняла только, что это порядок возмещения судебных издержек и сопутствующих расходов, и может быть solicitor, solicitor/own client, and full indemnity basis.


link 25.10.2006 8:20 
Спасибо Ириша, сейчас обсуждали это с заказчиком, тоже не смогли ничего путного придумать, написали как лопух посоветовала, хотя на счет клиентов звучит как-то обтекаемо...


link 25.10.2006 8:35 
А ларчик просто открывался:


There is sometimes confusion about what is meant by the term ‘legal costs’. There are two types of legal costs.

1. Costs which you agree to pay a lawyer for legal services (often called solicitor/client costs). Solicitor/client costs include all costs which have been incurred by the lawyer in providing the legal services.

2. Costs which arise as the result of a court ordering one side in a dispute to pay the costs of the other side (often called party/party costs).

Solicitor/client costs are costs paid by clients to their own lawyers. They are charged by the lawyer to the client for all of the work done for the client. Party/party costs are costs paid by another party, usually the opponent in litigation, because the client has won the case or the case has been settled and part of the settlement agreement is that the other party will pay costs.

Solicitor/client costs are almost always higher than party/party costs. This is not because of overcharging but because party/party costs only cover costs relating directly to court proceedings and do not include other expenses.

Party/party costs will not cover all of the costs the client has to pay. This is like the situation where a patient claims the cost of a doctor’s services from Medicare and receives a payment which is less than the amount charged by the doctor. The patient then has to pay the difference. Negotiation of party/party costs is conducted by the solicitors and can take some time. It may also be necessary to have the costs assessed.

в целом, конечно, это гонорары юристов, включая их расходы. Как до меня вчера не дошло это solicitor/client basis - не понимаю :(


link 25.10.2006 9:26 
Спасибо, вот это работа! Теперь даже я все понимаю и жду не дождусь, когда смогу объяснить это своему заказчику )))
Честное слово, большое спасибо!


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