

link 28.03.2006 15:16 
Subject: gate fee
A cost model covering CAPEX and OPEX (capital expenditure and operations expenditure respectively), and the expected **gate fee** (i.e. a fixed and variable charge based upon the quantity of waste delivered and derived from the capital and operating costs of the plant and services).
NB - All build and operating costs will take into account the provision of infrastructure equipment and services by the contract partners.

The delivery of the solution, including the construction of recovery center will be subject to (amongst other things to be determined by the study)
- Agreement to the payment of the recommended **gate fee(s)** by the client
- Regular payment of an indexed **gate fee** by the client over the proposed contract period

Для владеющих шведским: термин обсуждался по ссылке http://www.proz.com/kudoz/500148


link 28.03.2006 15:28 
въездная плата или сбор за въезд (на территорию)

 Анна Ф

link 28.03.2006 16:24 
waste management (управление отходами)



плата за размещение отходов производства и потребления

Еще есть: плата за вывоз и утилизацию отходов (это в городе)


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