
 Felix Shor

link 20.11.2005 23:58 
Subject: legal document AmE
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terminate the contract for convenience

Заранее спасибо


link 21.11.2005 1:43 
а все предложение?


link 21.11.2005 3:43 
One of the most amazing clauses is the one that lets the government--but not the contractor--terminate a contract for convenience.

In the private sector, this would typically be a breach of contract, and the party disclaiming its obligations would be liable for damages.

The clause, however, lets the government cancel an inconvenient contract and insulates it from paying common-law damages such as lost profits.

When a contract is terminated for convenience, the vendor typically recovers only the costs it expended until the termination and a profit on the costs.



link 21.11.2005 3:50 
IMHO: расторгнуть контракт ради общественной пользы


link 21.11.2005 3:58 


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