

link 15.07.2019 9:31 
Subject: There was a rush mat spread out near the middle of it
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As they approached a five-road junction in the middle of the city, Rentaro suddenly heard singing and stopped. It was the characteristic soprano of a young girl, and a hymn at that. Turning his head toward the sound, he soon realized that it was coming from the wide pedestrian bridge above. He could have just ignored it and continued on, but for some reason, Rentaro was extremely curious about the voice and urged Tina up the stairs of the pedestrian bridge. There was a rush mat spread out near the middle of it, and the voice was coming from there. It seemed different from a street performance, somehow. As he got closer and realized what it was, Rentaro soon regretted coming.


link 15.07.2019 10:07 
rush mat:


link 18.07.2019 9:37 
На середине мостика лежал плетённый коврик из камыша,..


link 18.07.2019 12:30 


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