מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

   רוסית אנגלית
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כלל. legend has it that; as legend has it
.אֶתנו according to a tradition
.קלישא the story goes that
| восклицание
כלל. exclamation; interjection; ejaculation; whoop; gee
| Архимеда
כלל. Archimedes
| при открытии
 при открытии
.בּוּר at-the-opening
| им
כלל. them
| основного закона
 основной закон
כלל. constitution
| гидростатики
.בְּנִ hydrostatics
| В переносном смысле
 в переносном смысле
כלל. in a figurative sense
| выражение радости
 выражение радости
כלל. Yipee!
| удовлетворения
כלל. satisfaction
| при решении
 при решении
.מֵכָנ in solving
| какой-либо
.מָתֵי no matter which
| сложной задачи
 сложная задача
כלל. tricky problem
| возникновении
כלל. origin
| новой идеи
 новая идея
כלל. wrinkle
- נמצאו מלים נפרדות

согласно преданиюמתח
כלל. legend has it that (Legend has it that when the Apostles divided the known world into missionary zones, the Iberian peninsula fell to James. Sukhopleschenko); as legend has it (Sukhopleschenko)
.אֶתנו according to a tradition (Alex_Odeychuk)
.קלישא the story goes that (The story goes that Sir Gawain, one of King Arthur’s knights of the round table was challenged to a fight by a Knight all dressed in green including his horse. The Green knight invited Sir Gawain to take a swing at him with his sword, this resulted in the Green knight losing his head, which he then promptly picked up off the floor, he then issued a request for Sir Gawain to meet him in a year and a day at the Green Chapel ... (ludchurchmyblog.wordpress.com/the-green-chapel) • The story goes that Roland – a knight of French lore – was gifted the 'indestructible' sword – said to be capable of slicing boulders in half – by the emperor Charlemagne who had taken it from an angel. (unexplained-mysteries.com) ART Vancouver)
согласно преданиям
.אידיו allegedly (Mira_G)