מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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Игорь Миг not to bat an eye; ignore
כלל. overpass; slide by; march past; walk past (She was trying to make eye contact with people walking past. • I've been thinking of how I could best remember my mom and her memory, then it became quite clear, every time I pass that piece of litter, I'll pick it up, instead of walking past a neighbour I'll smile and say hello, that last bite of food away toss it to the crows, by making my own world beautiful, I'll make the world more beautiful. legacy.com ART Vancouver); get by (кого-либо, чего-либо); come by; come past; walk on by (напр., "A professional photographer will buy on what he/she sees in the full specifications of the camera and what he/she sees and feels of the camera with his/her own eyes and hands. Marketing headlines will not influence the choice between "buy" and "walk on by". Aiduza); go past (uccellino); walk by (A guy walking by dropped his tablet on the sidewalk. | Templeton Park and Poo: This has been an ongoing thing for YEARS. They'll fix the sign, next day it's right back to park and poo. I laugh every time I walk by it haha -- каждый раз, когда прохожу мимо него reddit.com ART Vancouver); overlook; leave; pass; clear; move on (If a situation makes it hard to be friendly, stop participating and move on. 4uzhoj); pass by; go by (о времени); give somebody a miss (кого-либо)
.גֵאוֹ run past (чего-либо Andrey Truhachev)
.נַוָט keep clear (off); range
.סְלֶנ go under the radar (чьего-либо внимания; о событии, явлении; the release of this book last month went completely under my radar – выпуск этой книги в прошлом месяце прошёл мимо меня совершенно Баян)
.פִּתג pass by (кого, чего); pay no attention to (something; кого, чего); take no notice of (кого, чего; something); pay no attention to (something; кого, чего)
.פִּתג, .לא מא ignore (кого, чего) (чего; something)
Gruzovik, .צִיוּ disregard; overlook
miss; pass (someone – кого-либо); pass by (someone – кого-либо); pass through; give someone a miss (кого-либо); pay no attention to
проходящий мимо
כלל. passing
проходя мимо
כלל. when passing
проходящей мимо
: 61 צירופים, 14 נושאים
אנטנות ומובילי גל2
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תקשורת המונים1