מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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.אמריק sonar
.אמריק כלל. sonar system
.טֶכנו echo-ranging sonar; pinger; submarine sonar; asdic set; sonar set; acoustic locating device
| опускаемый
.טכנול droppable
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.מכשיר centi-
- נמצאו מלים נפרדות

гидролокатор נמתח
כלל. sonar (device)
.אמריק sonar; sonar system
.טֶכנו echo-ranging sonar; pinger; submarine sonar; asdic set; sonar set; acoustic locating device; underwater object locator; asdic
.טורפד sound gear
.מטרול echo sounder
.מכשיר hull-mounted sonar
.משאבי bottom scanning sonar
.נַוָט echo-ranging set; echo-ranging sonar system; echo-ranging system; echo-ranging; sonar detection equipment; sonar detection gear; sonar equipment; sonar gear; sonar-detection equipment (вк)
.נפט ו sound operation, navigation and range
.ציוד ultrasonic direction filter
.רובוט sonar sensor
.תְעוּ sound navigation and ranging (system)
Gruzovik, .מַדָע SNR (сокр. от sonar)
hydrolocator; sonar apparatus (Киселев); active sonar (Киселев); acoustic echo sounder; sounder; underwater echo sounder; acoustic sounder; echo-ranging asdic
гидролокатор , опускаемый с
: 6 צירופים, 3 נושאים
מכשירי חשמל2