מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

   רוסית אנגלית
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כלל. possibility; capability; capacity; alternative; feasibility; chance
| объекта
.בַּלש option
| по
כלל. unto
| перевозке
כלל. transport
| и
כלל. and
| приму грузов
 принять груз
כלל. take in a lading
- נמצאו מלים נפרדות

שם עצם | שם עצם | צירופים
возможность נמתח
כלל. possibility; capability; capacity; alternative; feasibility; chance; occasion; opportunity; resource; room; position; facility (обыкн. pl); opening; eventuality; fear (чего-либо нежелательного); contingency; modality; potentiality; to someone the chance кому-либо; faculty (Victor Parno); look-in; affordance (rsuvorovus); look in; virtuality; freedom (Возможность возложения обязанностей на = The freedom to assign duties to. Each church should have the freedom to assign duties to its leaders in accordance with local needs, and they should have the freedom to use whatever term ... Alexander Demidov); prospect of/that (the possibility that something will happen • ~ (of something/of doing something) There is no immediate prospect of peace. • A place in the semi-finals is in prospect (= likely to happen). • ~ (that…) There's a reasonable prospect that his debts will be paid. OALD Alexander Demidov); prospects (the possibility of being successful, especially at work: " She's hoping the course will improve her career prospects. " Prospects of/for (= opportunities for) employment remain bleak for most people in the area. CALD Alexander Demidov); pot luck; attribute (tavost); turn; potential; prospect (cognachennessy); likely to (rustemur); do; done; feasibleness; length; credibility; leverage (buhlerav); means; resources
.אוסטר, .סְלֶנ crack
.אידיו window of opportunity (This area of Montana is one of those special places, but we need your help to act quickly before the window of opportunity closes forever. – пока эта возможность ещё не утрачена навсегда  4uzhoj)
.דִיפּ wind
.הנדסת intrigue (The intrigue of processing data in parallel and in real-time has captured imagination and tapped the inventiveness of many researchers – Мысль о возможности параллельной обработки данных в реальном времени овладела умами многих исследователей и побудила их проявить максимальную изобретательность. Maeldune)
.טֶכנו ability
.טכנול admissibility; special feature
.כַּלְ consequence; occurrence (осуществления, реализации)
.לא רש potluck; break; shot (шанс. it's a tough one, but you still got a shot Damirules); opp (сокращение от "opportunity" maximrrrr)
.מיקרו capability (A value that developers specify in the app manifest for their Windows Store apps. Windows Store apps use capabilities to declare that the app requires programmatic access to protected user resources, such as the Pictures library, or connected devices, such as a webcam); feature (A set of software functionality designed to solve a specific problem or to provide a new functionality to the user); opportunity (A potential revenue-generating event, or sale to an account, that needs to be tracked through a sales process to completion)
.נדיר contingent (какого-либо события в будущем; см. contingency)
.נוֹטָ oppty
.נפט/נ capability (напр., ремонта); productivity
.סְלֶנ cut; break (добиться чего-то); go; whack
.סייסמ contigency
.סקוטי ettle (chiefly (and now only)  Scottish,  Irish English  (northern), and  English regional  (northern) after Middle English Taras)
.פְּסִ posse
.פּוֹל window (W. for negotiations – goo.gl Artjaazz)
.פטנטי power
.צִיוּ headroom (Ремедиос_П)
.ציוד feature
.רְפוּ scope
.תִכנו way (ssn)
.תקשור resilience (установления соединения)
Gruzovik, .מַדָע capa (capability)
risk; ability (на данный момент в отличие от потенциальной способности); capability (потенциальная); convenience; potency; way out; availability; avenue (e.g., ... lack of any avenue for Mr. XXX to institute proceedings before a court to challenge the legality of ... Ying)
מחש. probability; functionality (However, Windows 2000 does not include the functionality to generate a random password. zeev); facility
возможности נ
Gruzovik means
כלל. solutions (apris-catol); scope (для передвижения, действий, мысли и т. п.); vista; capabilities (неиспользованные, потенциальные); capability; possibility; provisions (kopeika); power (совершать какие-либо действия A.Rezvov); strength (контекстуально: strength of our global network sankozh)
.אֵקוֹ potential
.טֶכנו performance capabilities (напр., системы); capacity (функциональные); features (astrsk)
.טכנול facilities; resources; performance capabilities (напр., схемы); experience (доступные пользователю A.Rezvov)
.כַּלְ possibilities; the room for (чего-либо A.Rezvov)
.מָתֵי potentials
.מיקרו Opportunities Referred By (A field that holds the name of the person who provided the opportunity)
.מכשיר mean
.סייסמ resource
.צִיוּ irons in the fire (Баян); fora (Bratets)
.רובוט budgets
.שירות capabilities (напр., машины)
.תִכנו fitness (ssn); ability (ssn); topics (ssn); room (ssn)
.תַחְב performance capabilities (напр. схемы)
.תקשור tradeoff
facility; opportunities; potentialities; capabilities; scope of (smth)
מחש. user options
потенциальные возможности נ
.חַקלָ capabilities
потенциальная возможность נ
.תְעוּ potential
благоприятная возможность נ
.תְעוּ opportunity
возможность VPN נ
.תִכנו VPN capability (ssn)
представившаяся возможность נ
כלל. place
боевые возможности נ
.בקרת capability (системы)
возможность IP נ
.תִכנו IP capability (ssn)
возможность XML נ
.תִכנו xml capability (ssn)
возможности plug-n-play נ
.תִכנו plug-n-play capabilities (ssn)
возможность נ
.רובוט option (факультативная)
מחש. option
возможности נ
כלל. options (Yanamahan)
.תקשור capacity
факультативная возможность נ
.תְעוּ option
возможности объекта по перевозке и
: 1 צירופים, 1 נושאים