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безобразный adj.מתח
Gruzovik deformed (ударение на 3-ьем слоге); vague (безо́бразный)
Игорь Миг ignominious; brazen; egregious
כלל. disgraceful (безобра́зный); lacking in imagery; outrageous (безобра́зный); scandalous (безобра́зный); shocking (безобра́зный); unadorned; vague (безо́бразный); shameful; indecent; mischievous; God-awful; grotty; grungy; haggish (обыкн. о женщине); misshapen (Anglophile); dreadful (Notburga); god awful; ill looking; sinful; unsightly (неприятный на вид; портящий вид Earl de Galantha); crooked; deform; difform; enormous; formless; foul; grim; grim-faced; grim visaged; ill favoured; miscreated; scrambling; shapeless; ugly looking; grimly; unseemly (alindra); abominable; unfeatured; unshapely; unshapen
.אוסטר, .סְלֶנ as ugly as a bag full of arseholes; as ugly as a hat full of arseholes; as ugly as a hatful of arseholes; cow
.אידיו beyond the pale (VLZ_58); esthetically challenged (Of a person, ugly. Interex); unfortunate-looking (Dangaard)
.אמריק plug-ugly (Taras)
.לא מא atrocious (of a very poor quality; extremely bad or unpleasant (Oxford Dictionary): Absolutely atrocious service and tech support! • Exceptional interiors, world-class location, good food, but the atrocious service overwhelmed much of that for my own experience. 3 out of 5 stars. • Куда еще 2-й маршрут продлевать? Он и так ходит безобразно и битком набитый. (из рус. источников) ART Vancouver); visual eyesore (о здании, некоем сооружении и пр.: District of Green Bay council voted 5-1 Monday night to approve the wall being built on a waterfront property at 368 Begby Ave. to protect the property from storm surges and the impacts of sea level rise. The wall – which will be built nine feet taller than is currently allowed – attracted significant controversy over the past month, with some members of the public arguing that the wall will be a visual eyesore and set a precedent for other waterfront property owners to build tall walls next to the Seawalk. ART Vancouver); ugly (о поведении кого-л., выходке и т.п.: Video has emerged of an ugly encounter at Second Beach on Sunday. Vancouver police are now investigating what led people to kick and throw punches at each other just off the Seawall in Stanley Park. ctvnews.ca ART Vancouver)
.לא רש frightful; unholy
.מיושן inform; miscreate; unsquared; of writing lacking imagery
.מיושן, .סקוטל laidly
.סְלֶנ skaggy (КГА)
безобразно עו"ד
כלל. monstrously; shockingly (безобра́зно); enormously; grimly; outrageously (безобра́зно); scandalously (безобра́зно); uglily; disgracefully (безобра́зно); hideously (безобра́зно)
.גס רו fucking (Andrey Truhachev)
.לא מא atrocious (of a very poor quality; extremely bad or unpleasant (Oxford Dictionary): Absolutely atrocious service and tech support! • Exceptional interiors, world-class location, good food, but the atrocious service overwhelmed much of that for my own experience. 3 out of 5 stars. • Куда еще 2-й маршрут продлевать? Он и так ходит безобразно и битком набитый. (из рус. источников) ART Vancouver)
.מיושן scramblingly; deformedly
безобра́зный adj.
Gruzovik deformed; ugly; disgusting; monstrous; ill-looking; scandalous; outrageous; shocking; hideous; disgraceful
безобра́зно עו"ד
Gruzovik outrageously; shockingly; scandalously; disgracefully
Gruzovik, .לא רש hideously
безо́бразный adj.
Gruzovik lacking in imagery; unadorned; vague
 רוסית אוצר מילים
безобразное adj.
כלל. эстетическая категория, противоположная прекрасному. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
: 55 צירופים, 11 נושאים
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