מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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прояснилось vמתח
כלל. it has turned fine
the weather fined a bit
прояснить v
внести ясность
Игорь Миг give some clues
כלל. shed light on (financial-engineer); get something straight (наперед расставить все точки над "і" в каком-либо вопросе: Let's get one thing straight. I'm the boss and I tell you what to do. 4uzhoj); figure out; get clear; make it clear (Notburga); clear; illustrate; dispel (напр., сомнения. Talking to Pam helped to dispel my doubts about the holiday. OALD Alexander Demidov); bring matters to a head (slimy-slim); make clearer (Not clear enough still? I will do what I can to make it clearer. ART Vancouver); hash out (Сomandor)
.אידיו put flesh on (добавить больше деталей к чему-то, чтобы объяснить или проиллюстрировать более полно.: I just wish the writer had put flesh on the bones of the villain and her motivations–she seems to act against the protagonist for no apparent reason. I like your basic argument. Now just put flesh on the outline to give me a better sense of how you'll tackle the topic. thefreedictionary.com tha7rgk); put flesh on the bones of (добавить больше деталей к чему-то, чтобы объяснить или проиллюстрировать более полно: He will need to put flesh on the bones of his calls for greater community involvement. thefreedictionary.com tha7rgk); throw some light on/upon (Perhaps your wife can tell us something which may throw some light upon the matter. Can we talk to her? ART Vancouver); shed some light on (Intrigued Andrew revealed he has no idea what the 'creature' could be. But he is hoping other Scots can help shed some light on his sighting which came just one day after learning about Nessie at the Loch Ness Experience. Retired asset manager for Fife Council Andrew said: "Maybe Nessie has escaped and gone up the coast. thescottishsun.co.uk ART Vancouver); throw light (cast / shed / throw (some) light on sth. (Merriam-Webster): The police are asking anyone living in or near Aylesbury who can throw any light on the mystery to contact them. ART Vancouver)
.אמריק shad light on something (что-либо; I was hoping the professor would shed light on how he arrived at his theory. Val_Ships); throw light on something (что-либо Val_Ships)
.אסטרו elucidate
.לא רש suss out (DC)
.מָתֵי make clear; shed light (on); illuminate; clarify; explain
.סְלֶנ put something across (что-то)
.ספרות unconfuse (MichaelBurov)
.פּוֹל open a window on (opens a window on some of the larger and more ominous issues – goo.gl Artjaazz)
.צִיוּ flush out (какой-либо вопрос и т.п.; an issue etc. Евгений Тамарченко); brighten up
Gruzovik, .צִיוּ brighten up (pf of прояснять)
Gruzovik, .ראוי clear up (pf of прояснять)
clear up; shed light on (что-либо)
проясниться v
Gruzovik of face brighten up (pf of проясняться); become distinct (pf of проясняться); show up clearly (pf of проясняться); of face light up (pf of проясняться)
כלל. brighten; clear off (о погоде); clarify (о вопросе, сознании); clear up (о погоде); come up; explain; light up; make clear; show up clearly; lighten; dawn; break through (о погоде: Brighter weather breaks through Bullfinch); clear
.מָתֵי come to light
.צִיוּ become clear
.ראוי become clear (об обстоятельствах, о погоде и т.п. Andrey Truhachev)
Gruzovik, .מֵטֵא of weather clear up (pf of проясниваться)
: 91 צירופים, 14 נושאים
אמריקאי שימוש, לא איות1
לא רשמי4
קלישאה / מוסכמה1
תקשורת המונים2