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TCP abbr.contraintes
dent. ТКФ (MichaelBurov); трикальцийфосфат (MichaelBurov); трикальций фосфат (MichaelBurov); бета TCP (MichaelBurov); бета ТКФ (MichaelBurov); трикальциум-фосфат (MichaelBurov); трикальциум фосфат (MichaelBurov)
Gruzovik, informat. протокол управления передачей (transmission control protocol)
géoph. произведение мощности на удельную проводимость
micr. протокол TCP (The protocol within TCP/IP that governs the breakup of data messages into packets to be sent via IP, and the reassembly and verification of the complete messages from packets received by IP)
protect. протокол управления транспортного уровня (Shmelev Alex)
pétr. перфорация на НКТ (tubing conveyed perforating Islet); перфорация на НКТ (tubing conveyed perforating Islet)
réseaux. протокол управления передачей данных; управляющий протокол передачи; корпус на ленточном носителе
techn. система защиты угловых зон резервуара СПГ (thermal corner protection system SMarina)
écon. Проект технического сотрудничества (Technical Cooperation Project Азери)
énergie;industr. панель управления турбиной (MichaelBurov); панель контроля турбины (MichaelBurov)
équip. топологически плотноупакованный (сокр. от topologically close-packed ssn)
бета TCP abbr.
abrév., dent. ТКФ (MichaelBurov)
бета-TCP abbr.
dent. ТКФ (MichaelBurov)
 Anglais glossaire
TCP abbr.
abrév. The Common People; Tablet, Coated Particles; Tape-Carrier Package; Technological Coordinating Paper; Telephone Connecting Program; Terran Confederation Pilot; Test Coordination Procedure; Theodore C. Petersen manuscript collection; Thermal Conversion Process; Time Controlled Parameter; Traditional CINC Programs; termination connection point; Texas combustion process; transport command pilot; trichloropropane; Traditional Classroom Program; Type Constrained Programming
abrév., astr. Technical Cooperation Programme (FAO); Tropical Cyclone Programme (WMO)
abrév., autom. temperature compensated accelerator pump (Ford); torque charger; tricresyl phisp hate
abrév., aviat. Taba, Egypt; transfer-of-control point; takeoff charts computation program; tape copy program; task control package; technical change package; technical cooperation programmed; test change proposal; transfer control point; trim control panel; technical certification premium
abrév., aérop. Taba (Christine_A)
abrév., banc. trade credits and advances payable (UAE MichaelBurov)
abrév., bien. tubing conveyed perforations
abrév., bours. Telesp Celular Participacoes
abrév., chim. Lindol
abrév., chim., scient. Tri Cresyl Phosphate
abrév., cosm. thermal coagulation point (ННатальЯ)
abrév., dent. beta-TCP (MichaelBurov); tricalcium phosphate (MichaelBurov); beta TCP (MichaelBurov); (MichaelBurov)
abrév., défens. tactical communication processor
abrév., espac. terminal connection point; test checkout procedure; thrust center position; thrust chamber pressure
abrév., expos. transfer control protocol
abrév., financ. transit computerisation project
abrév., forag. tubing conveyed perforation (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abrév., immun. T-cell precursor; t-complex polypeptide
abrév., informat. Terminal Control Program; task control program; transmission control protocol (Bricker); trusted computing platform
abrév., Internet;l'int. Totally Controllable Pixies
abrév., marq. The Children's Place; Trading Corporation of Pakistan
abrév., micr. transformer coupled plasma (NNB)
abrév., milit. Tactical Computer Processor; Tactical Control Processor; Terminal Control Protocol; Traffic Control Point; Transmission Control Protocol; Tactical Cryptologic Program; Time Charter Party (Interex); theater campaign plan
abrév., milit., aviat. tanking control panel
abrév., médic. T-complex Protein; Tissue Or Tumor Control Probability (radiotherapy); Total Cardiopulmonary (connection); Total Circulating Protein; therapeutic class profile; therapeutic continuous penicillin
abrév., naut., scient. Tropical Cyclone Program
abrév., oncol. ThromboCytoPenia
abrév., oncol., médic. Thrombocytopenia
abrév., opht. thinnest corneal pachymetry (eugeene1979)
abrév., phys. Topologically Close Packed (Vosoni)
abrév., polym. tricresyl phosphate
abrév., pétr. total core penetration; tubing conveyed perforating (Sakhalin Energy); technical cost proposal; temperature contraction of pipes; temporary change procedure; Terek Caspian foredeep; thiocarbonyl perchloride; total core porosity; total cylinder pressure; Trans-Caspian Pipeline
abrév., réseaux., informat. Transmission Control Protocol
abrév., sakh. tubing convey gun; Tubing Conveyed Perforating (ТЭО Sakhalin Energy); turnover and completion package; tubing conveyed perforator
abrév., scienc. total crude protein
abrév., science d. topological close-packed phase
abrév., sciences. time code processor
abrév., transp. Transportation Control Plan; traffic control person (translator4)
abrév., téléc. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
abrév., écoss. TDATS Control Panel; Thermite Case Penetrator; Transmission Control Program / Protocol (USA); Transport Control Protocol; Travure Courte Portee (Assault treadway bridge (France)); Turret Control Panel
abrév., éduc. Teacher Community Platform
abrév., électr. tape conversion program; telemetry and command processor; terminal call processor; terminal communications protocol; terminal control processor; test control part; tightly-coupled processors; time, cost and performance; time-sharing control primitives; transformer coupled plasma source; transistorized creepie-peepie; transmit channel processing; transmitter clock pulse; twisted copper pair
abrév., électr., scient. Tape Carrier Package; Tool Center Point; Transformer- Coupled Plasma; Transmission Control Protocols
abrév., énergie;industr. Turbine Control Panel (MichaelBurov); turbine control panel (MichaelBurov)
abrév., équip. tool center point; topologically close-packed (ssn)
milit. tactical command post; task change proposal; technical change proposal; technical cooperation program; technical coordinating paper; test and checkout procedure; test control package; traffic control point; traffic control post
techn. telemetry and command processor assembly; tetracalcium phosphate; thickness-conductivity product; time limited correlation processing; timing and control panel; training controller panel; transmission control program
énergie;industr. technical cooperative program; thermochemical pipeline
tcp abbr.
abrév. traffic control panel
TCP and
: 6 phrases, 2 sujets
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