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expl. exhaled
makar. exhalant
médic. expired
| дыхательный
génér. respiratory
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выдыхаться vcontraintes
Gruzovik become flat of wines, etc (impf of выдохнуться); lose its fragrance; lose its smell (impf of выдохнуться); be breathed out; be exhaled; be expired; have no fight left
génér. flatten (о пиве, вине); be played out; fizzle; poop; stale (о воде, пиве); run oneself out; run out of steam (bookworm); get stale (If I won a million bucks, I'd still work because if you don't work you get stale and fade away. ART Vancouver); fume; fizzle out; breathe out; lose puff (Ремедиос_П); run on fumes (VLZ_58); do in; expire; smell (of wines, etc); peg; die (о жидкости); evaporate; flat; fume away; outbreathe; pall; transpire; lose its fragrance; lose its taste; lose its zest
Игорь Миг bleed; wane; be on the wane; be on its last legs; wear oneself out; be completely exhausted
argot. poop out (Interex); do in (They were too done in to carry on the contest. == Они так устали, что не могли продолжить соревнование.)
figur. tired
figur., inform. become exhausted; bog down
figure d. run dry (В.И.Макаров)
Gruzovik, figur. come to nothing (impf of выдохнуться); peter out (impf of выдохнуться)
Gruzovik, inform. get exhausted (impf of выдохнуться); get tired (impf of выдохнуться)
inform. peg out
makar. run down; run out
makar., inform. burn out; play out (обыкн. pass)
milit. wither away
non st. wash out (igisheva)
psych. exhale
vinif. flatten
выдыхать v
génér. exhaust; respire (воздух); soup; become stale; exhale; blow out (Yuriy83); puff; expire; breathe
makar. expirate; respire
musiq. breathe out (без вибрации голосовых связок)
médic. breathe out
pisc. breathe out (dimock)
poét. outbreathe
выдыхаемый adj.
expl. exhaled
makar. exhalant
médic. expired
выдыхаемый дыхательный
: 1 phrases, 1 sujets