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sell by date ['selbaɪdeɪt]contraintes
écon. срок реализации (wikipedia.org Denis Lebedev)
sell-by date [sel baɪ deɪt]
génér. срок годности (Anglophile); период жизни до истекания срока годности (1.A date marked on a perishable product indicating the recommended time by which it should be sold: milk past its sell-by date. Its lawyer, William Hudson, admitted the company had three pages of previous convictions, but only one for selling past a sell-by date in North Yorkshire, for which it had been cautioned. The Fareshare scheme in Southampton receives 26,000 trays of food past the sell-by date but within the use-by date donated by supermarkets each year. Damn, the wine is Chardonnay and the crisps are past their sell-by date. 1.1 informal , chiefly British: A time after which something or someone is no longer considered desirable or effective: do broadcasters have a sell-by date? He's gone beyond his sell-by date and the gains that we had at independence and for the first few years we have lost and it has become increasingly a dictatorship that does not have the heart of the people at the core of governance. That said, at 30 he is past his sell-by date, is in a terminal slump and hasn't won a title for two years. Instead we are being left with stations which have gone past their sell-by dates. OD Alexander Demidov)
entr. срок реализации товара
industr., syst. срок реализации
sell -by date
: 10 phrases, 4 sujets