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cis ['sɪs] ncontraintes
génér. цисгендерный человек (Taras)
cis ['sɪs] n
génér. цисгендер (Taras)
CIS ['sɪs] n
chim. Селенид меди-индия (Медь-индий-селенид: Copper-Indium-Selenide panel wikipedia.org Dimohod)
entr. Содружество независимых государств (СНГ, Commonwealth of Independent States)
Система корпоративной идентификации (идентификаторы кампании для рекламы и продвижения, CIS and VIS: current CIS and VIS nattalini)
sant. Международный информационный центр по безопасности и гигиене труда
électr. контактный формирователь сигналов изображения на линейках свето- и фотодиодов; метод формирования сигналов изображения с помощью линеек свето- и фотодиодов; CIS-метод
Cis ['sɪs] n
noms. Цецилия
cis ['sɪs] abbr.
chim. цис
makar. состояние торможения центральной нервной системы (central inhibitory state)
cis- abbr.
chim. цис-
CIS ['sɪs] abbr.
génér. ЦИИ (rechnik); Служба натурализации и иммиграции (США; Citizenship and Immigration Services oleks_aka_doe)
Gruzovik, milit. боевая система опознавания "свой-чужой" (combat identification system (IFF)); системы связи и информационного обеспечения (communications and information systems); ССИО (communications and information systems); космический корабль "Шаттл" класса "орбита-орбита" с двигательной установкой на химическом топливе (chemical interorbital shuttle)
Gruzovik, polit. Содружество независимых государств (Commonwealth of Independent States; существует с декабря 1991 г. в результате заключения Беловежского соглашения и прекращения существования СССР; входят: Россия, Украина, Белоруссия, Армения, Казахстан, Азербайджан, Киргизстан, Молдова, Таджикистан, Узбекистан)
Gruzovik, scient. характеристическая изохроматическая спектроскопия (characteristic isochromat spectroscopy)
industr. Международный информационный центр по технике безопасности и гигиене труда (МОТ Wakeful dormouse)
inform. эсэнгэвский (Anglophile)
informat. сервер информации о корреляции (correlation information server Alex_Odeychuk)
médias. комментаторская информационная система (commentator information system Макеев Георгий)
médic. система клинической информации (clinical information system Dmitry); Клинически Изолированный Синдром (sidotatv)
ordin. НПЧ (MichaelBurov); система НПЧ (MichaelBurov); непрерывная подача чернил (MichaelBurov); СНПЧ (MichaelBurov)
otan. Системы связи и информации (yevsey)
polic. место проведения расследования (crime investigation scene Alex Lilo)
polygr. СНПЧ (система непрерывной подачи чернил Alex Lilo); система непрерывной подачи чернил (Alex Lilo)
réseaux. система сопряжения со средствами связи
sant. МИЦ
sociol. Центр иммиграционных исследований (Center for Immigration Studies Азери); Центр по изучению иммиграции (Center for Immigration Studies (anti-immigrant think tank in US) Азери)
syst. система информирования потребителей (MichaelBurov)
techn. информационная система компании
Cis ['sɪs] abbr.
génér. Сис (женское имя)
forag. циско (Cisco; свита верхнего карбона, шт. Техас)
 Anglais glossaire
Cis ['sɪs] abbr.
abrév., pétr. Cisco
cis ['sɪs] abbr.
abrév., pétr. cubic inches per second
biol. central inhibitory state
cart. cistern
CIS ['sɪs] abbr.
abrév. characteristic isochromat spectroscopy; chemical interorbital shuttle; Client Information System; Common Information System; Computer Information System; Construction Industry Scheme; Corporate Information System; Customer Information System; Customs Information System; Can It Sam; Canadian Intelligence Service; Cancer Information Service; Card Information Structure / Space (PCMCIA); Cargo Information Service; Case Information Study; Catholic Information Society; Center for International Studies; Center for Internet Security (Victor Parno); Center for Theoretical Studies; Central Information Service; Central Instructor School; Central Intelligence Services; Centre for Intercultural Studies (Anglophile); Character Information Sheet; Chartered Institute of Secretaries; Chase Information Systems; Chemical Information Systems, Inc.; Chief, Intelligence and Security (Canadian); Chinese International Shipping; Chromosome Insertion Sequence; Client Information Sheet (business SnowWhite); Collaborative Information System; Combat Instruction Set; Command Information System (Mil., USA); Committee For Internal Security; Common Implementation Strategy (ВВладимир); Communicating In Spanish; Communication Information Systems; Communications Intercept System; Communications Interface Shelter; Component Information System; Compuserve Information Systems (Netzwerk); Computer Integrated Surgery; Computer Internet Server; Confederacy of Independent Systems; Conference of Internationally-Minded Schools; Congressional Information Service; Constant Idle System; Consumer Information Statement; Conversion Indexing Sorting; Country Intelligence Study; Court Information System; Criminal Investigation Section; Criminally Insane Snipers; Critical Information Shortfall; collective investment scheme (институт коллективного инвестирования, тж. схема коллективного инвестирования irene_ya)
abrév., angl. Centre for International Studies
abrév., appar. cardiac imaging system (harser)
abrév., audit. computer information systems
abrév., autom. continuous injection system (Bosch); cylinder identification sensor
abrév., aviat. The Commonwealth Of Independent States; compressor inlet sensor (Interex); cabin interphone system; configuration item state; customer integrated system; customer introduction system; center for information services; central integration site; change impact summary; Chinese industrial standards; close in support; cockpit interface simulation; competitive intelligence system; component identification sheet; controlled indoor storage; configuration item specification; Contractor's information submittal; control indicator; cooperative identification surveillance; cost information system; crew information system; customer introduction/recorder system; cycles in service
abrév., défens. communication information system; counter intelligence summary; current intelligence staff
abrév., espac. commonality information system; computer interface system; coronagraphic imaging system; crop information system; cryogenic inertia sensor
abrév., expos. collective investment schemes
abrév., financ. Central Information System; collective investment scheme; Country Information System
abrév., informat. Card Information Structure; Computer Information Systems; Card Identification Structure; commonwealth of independent states (Bricker); complex instruction set
abrév., logist. Computer Integrated System
abrév., marq. Com Internet Services
abrév., milit. Commonwealth of Independent States; Contact Image Sensor; Criminal Investigative Service; Combat Intelligence System; communication and information systems; common item support; communications interface shelter
abrév., médias. compact image sensor
abrév., médic. Cancer Information System; Carcinoma In Situ; Clinical Immunology Society; Clinical Information System; carcinoma in situ; Clinically Isolated Syndrome (дебют рассеянного склероза sidotatv); clinical improvement scale (ННатальЯ); Center for International Occupational Safety; Chemical Information System
abrév., naut. charterers' inspectors' satisfaction (обычно to ~; сокращение в чартер-партиях Ying)
abrév., optiq. compensated imaging system
abrév., ordin. continuous ink system (MichaelBurov); continuous ink supply system (MichaelBurov); continuous flow system (MichaelBurov); continuous ink flow system (MichaelBurov); automatic ink refill system (MichaelBurov); bulk feed ink system (MichaelBurov); off-axis ink delivery system (MichaelBurov); CIS system (MichaelBurov); continuous ink supply (MichaelBurov)
abrév., otan. Communications and Information Systems
abrév., pétr. Canadian Institute of Surveying; center of inertia system; center-of-inertia system; cesium ion source; chemical inventory system; computer interpretation system; corporate identify system; customer instrument service
abrév., réseaux. communication interface system; CompuServe Information Service; corporate information system (The Corporate Information System (CIS) provides access to central administrative functions, eg student admissions and registrations, research costings, etc. - АД Alexander Demidov)
abrév., réseaux., informat. Compuserve Information Service
abrév., sciences. cadastral information system; Canadian Institute of Survey; cartographic information system; cells-in-series model; coastal information system; communication and instrumentation system; computer intensive statistics
abrév., semi-c. CMOS imaging sensor
abrév., serv. Criminal Investigation System (2003 USPS)
abrév., syst. customer information system (MichaelBurov)
abrév., téléc. contact-type image sensor
abrév., écon. corporate identification system
abrév., écoss. Chartered Industries of Singapore; Combined Influence Sweep; Command Intelligence System; Communication & Information System
abrév., éduc. Communities in Schools
abrév., éduc., scient. Canadian Interuniversity Sport; Computer And Information Science
abrév., électr. conductor-insulator-semiconductor (structure); CCD imaging sensor; CDMA interconnect subsystem; Center for Integrated System; center for the information sciences; certification insuring system; character instruction set; Chinese industrial standard; circuit inspection system; classroom information system; closed ion source (system); clustering interconnect schemes; code independent system; coded image space; collision induced scattering; color image sensor; communication and information system; communication and instruction system; communications interface station; competitive information system; compound interferometer system; CompuServe information system; computerized information service; computer-oriented information system; conductor-thin insulator-semiconductor (structure); conference information server; constant-initial-energy spectrum; constant initial state; constant-initial-state spectroscopy; contact type image sensor; corporate identity system; corporate information services; coupled impedance synthesis; cryogenic inertial sensor; current information selection; customer interactive system; complete instruction set
abrév., équip. Central Inhibitory State; Cytokine-Inducing Substance
milit. central installation supply; change information sheet; close-in support; combat identification system; combat information system; command information system; communications and information system; control indicator set; cost inspection service
pétr., abrév. corporate information system
techn. chemical injection system; communications and instrumentation system; constant idle speed system; containment internal structure; containment isolation signal; containment isolation system; continuous fuel injection system; coolant injection system
éduc. Cities in Schools
énergie;industr. computerized information system; concrete integrated container; contract information sheet
CIs ['sɪs] abbr.
abrév. confidence intervals (igisheva)
: 244 phrases, 54 sujets
Affaires étrangères8
Biologie moléculaire1
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