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L [el] n
instr. L n (binary one)
L [el] abbr.
optiq. spezifische Lichtausstrahlung (luminous flux radiated per unit area of the surface in all directions)
l [el] abbr.
techn. quadratische Momentflaeche; Länge; 1 liter; l
l. abbr.
abrév. left; line
 Anglais glossaire
L [el] abbr.
abrév. L-display; Labour; lady; lake; Lazy; Lecturer; Leftmost; Liberal; Liberalism; Liberty Financial Companies, Inc.; Lightweight; Lincoln; Lit; Lookup; lord; Loser; Losers; Lovely; Loving; Lucifer; Lucky; LUM; Lumbar; Luminance; Miller index; Labor; Like; Location; London; Long; Lost; coefficient of induction; coil; elevated; leader; lean oil; Lebanon; less than; lev; library; lineman; line telegraphy; line telephone; Luzon; pound; linking number
abrév., affair. word length adjustment
abrév., agric. litter
abrév., angl. Lancers
abrév., armes. local control; lewisite (chlorvynil dichloroarsine)
abrév., assur. Timber load line
abrév., autom. liters; left hand thread; limousine; lubricate; luxeluxury
abrév., aviat. lift; lavatory; rolling moment; landing flight phase; lapping; legitimate; letdown
abrév., biol. leucine
abrév., bours. Low
abrév., cart. little; loch; lough
abrév., chim. Avogadro constant
abrév., comm. Low state; Liberian Dollar; lempira; loss
abrév., entr. laboratory; lead; leasehold; leather; libra; license; limited express (train); liner; loose; lower power; lowest; lumber line
abrév., extens. L-System fractal (Fractint); Lex language source code file; Linker directive file (WATCOM wlink); Lisp language source code file
abrév., forag. locked cone
abrév., génie m. angular momentum; length of stroke
abrév., industr. Large
abrév., informat. Although; List; label; light; longitudinal
abrév., Internet;l'int. Looking
abrév., latin. libra (pound Vosoni)
abrév., ling. Latin (pansypras)
abrév., milit. CXR "L" Carrier Coaxial System e.g., Transcontinental Cable - also called LCXR; lewisite (Киселев)
abrév., médec. liveware
abrév., médic. left; & A Light And Accommodation; Lactobacillus; Liver; Outer Membrane Layer Of Cell Wall Of Gram-negative Bacteria (layer); leukocytes; boundary; limit; diffusion length; legionella; leishmania; leptomonas; Leptospira; licensed to practice; light sense; Ehrlich's symbol for lethal; lumbar spinal nerve; lung; lysosome
abrév., médic., latin. limes
abrév., oncol. Liter
abrév., phys. Living; brightness
abrév., phys., médic. Left; Life
abrév., polit. Luxembourg
abrév., polym. lithium
abrév., progr., informat. Linux
abrév., pétr. laccolith; lagoon; language; log; inductance; lateral log; lime; moles of liquid phase; latite; laumontite; law; layering; lead of helix; lead sheath; ledger; lenad; lens; leucogabbro; lignin; lilac; limited; limonite; liptinite; liquidus; lithographic; Lloyd; lobe; locus; loop; lower; lubricant; lug pads; lumen
abrév., relig. Live
abrév., scienc. loam soil texture class
abrév., sciences. labradorite; lacustrine deposit; laschamp; laser ranging; latent heat; latent heat per mol; laterologging; launching; lawsonite; lean; lenads; leu; lithosphere; lobes; luminous; luminous emittance; luminous intensity
abrév., sports. Last; League; lineup; losses; lost; lost game
abrév., typogr. leather binding
abrév., écon. time zone L
abrév., écoss. Lewisite (Chemical warfare blister agent); Lima (phonetic alphabet); Time zone 157.5 E - 172.5 E (GMT -11)
abrév., éduc. Learn; Learning
abrév., éduc., scient. Late; Lecture
abrév., électr. local; coupling length; laptop; laser; latch; layout; left circularly polarized; lock
abrév., électric. self inductance
invest. listed; lowest price; lumpsum
milit. landplane; latitude; launch; launcher; leaflet; leave; lethal; letter; level; lieutenant; link; list; listening; live; locator; logistics; longitude
techn. equivalent ionic conductance; free path; heat content; latent heat per gram; leading edge; legal; levorotatory; liquid rate; lira; locator beacon; mass velocity; mean free path of molecules; molar heat of fusion or vaporization; molar latent heat; quantum number; self-inductance; solubility product; total quantum number
télév. loading
télév., abrév. loading
L. abbr.
abrév. Laws (of state); line; land
abrév., biblioth. late; Latin; Legal; literate
abrév., latin. Locus ("place"); Lucius (a common Roman forename)
abrév., pétr. lime
abrév., sciences. lake; left; light; link; London; long; longitude
abrév., techn. large
abrév., écon. lowest price; liner; ledger; label
invest. law
L+ abbr.
abrév., génét. limes death
L- abbr.
abrév., médic. prefix indicating that a molecule is sterically analogous to L-glyceraldehyde; laevo-rotatory
L+ abbr.
abrév., médic. fatal dose
bours. LIBOR ('More)
*L* abbr.
abrév., Internet;l'int. Laugh (Vosoni)
/L abbr.
abrév., écoss. Take-Off & Landing
Р&L abbr.
abrév., affaires;styl. profit and loss
μL abbr.
abrév., plast. microliter
L/ abbr.
abrév., pétr. lower
l [el] abbr.
abrév. lamp; land; landing; large; lateral; leaf; leave allowance; length; letter of authority; liaison; light alloy; line; liquid; liter; load; local; low; neutron lifetime; equivalent ionic conductivity; lightning; pound sterling; prompt neutron lifetime
abrév., chim. levorotary
abrév., milit. search subarea length
abrév., médic. liter (use of CAPITAL letter preferred); lingual
abrév., phys. azimuthal quantum number
abrév., semi-c. mobility of ion
autom. litre
aviat. left; lift; locator
biol. ligament
géol. lava
optiq. lambert
pétr. laminar; laminated; lamination
techn. 1000 cm3
l. abbr.
abrév. leasehold; lines (Vosoni); in line; leaf; league; lean; lengthy; letter; litre (liter); low
abrév., biblioth. language; leather; library
abrév., phys. subsidiary quantum number
abrév., sciences. latitude
expl. libra; lumen
polym. laevorotatory; length; linear; liter
βL abbr.
abrév., électr. lateral beta; lateral current gain
abrév., phys. angular momentum
μl abbr.
abrév. microlitre
L-FORM abbr.
abrév., médic. A Defective Bacterial Variant That Can Multiply On Hypertonic Medium
: 523 phrases, 66 sujets
Antennes et guides d'antenn.2
Appareils médicaux3
Câbles et production de câbles1
Chimie analytique4
Commerce extérieur5
Éclairage autre que cinéma8
Équipement automatisé3
Exploitation minière3
Flux de travail9
Génie mécanique16
Gouvernement, administration et services publics4
Industrie alimentaire2
Industrie de l'industr.1
Instruments de mesure6
Nom de l'nom de l.1
Pharmacie et pharmacologie2
Physique des hautes énergies5
Physique nucléaire8
Planification municipale1
Rayonnement nucléaire22
Règlement extrajudiciaire des différends1
Ressources naturelles et conservation de la faune5
Science des matériaux10
Sciences de la Terre3
Sciences de la vie2
Sciences naturelles3
Soins de santé11