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industr. chim. Aurum; E175; Gold; pigment metal 3; Au
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Au [əu] n
industr., chim. Aurum n; E175 m; Gold n; pigment metal 3; Au f
Aus. abbr.
abrév. Austrian n
 Anglais glossaire
AU [əu] abbr.
abrév. Absorbance Units; Allocation Unit; Arbitrary Units; Arthur Upfield; Astronomical Units; Atomic Units; Aarhus Universit (University of Aarhus; Denmark Alex Lilo); Absorbance Unit (Alex Lilo); Accessible Unit (Alex Lilo); Acorn User (magazine Alex Lilo); Adamson University (Alex Lilo); Adaptation Unit (Alex Lilo); Adaptive Unit (Alex Lilo); Addressee Unknown (Alex Lilo); Adelaide University (University of Adelaide, Australia Alex Lilo); Adelphi University (Alex Lilo); Administrative Unit (Alex Lilo); Alcohol Unit (Alex Lilo); Alfred University (Alex Lilo); Aligarh University (India Alex Lilo); Alopecia Universalis (Alex Lilo); Always Usually (Alex Lilo); American Racing Pigeon Union (Oklahoma City Alex Lilo); Americans United (for the Separation of Church and State: Washington, DC Alex Lilo); Amman University (Alex Lilo); Amplifier Unit; Anadolu University (Alex Lilo); Analyzer Unit (Alex Lilo); Anderson University (Indiana Alex Lilo); Andhra University (India Alex Lilo); Angeles University (Philippines Alex Lilo); Ankara University (Alex Lilo); Anna University (India Alex Lilo); Annamalai University (India Alex Lilo); Another Universe (comics Alex Lilo); Ansta"llningsutskottet (Swedish: Employment Committee Alex Lilo); Apache University (Alex Lilo); Aquinas University (Alex Lilo); Araullo University (Alex Lilo); Arellano University (Manila, Philippines Alex Lilo); Argosy University (Alex Lilo); Ashland University (Alex Lilo); Assessment Unit (Alex Lilo); Associate in Underwriting (insurance Alex Lilo); Associated Universities (Alex Lilo); Assumption University (Alex Lilo); Athabasca University (Alex Lilo); Atheists United (Alex Lilo); ATM User (Alex Lilo); Atomic Unit (Alex Lilo); Audio (file name extension Alex Lilo); Audio Unit (Alex Lilo); Auris Uterque (Latin: each ear Alex Lilo); Aurora University (Alex Lilo); Authentication Unification (Sprint Alex Lilo); Authorized User (Alex Lilo); Authors System (Alex Lilo); Autism (Alex Lilo); Autistic (Alex Lilo); Automated Underwriter (Alex Lilo); Automatic (welding Alex Lilo); Automatic Updates (Microsoft Windows Alex Lilo); Avila University (Alex Lilo); Avionics Upper (panel Alex Lilo); Encoded Audio Format (file extension; Sun and NeXT Alex Lilo); Unity Alliance (Nicaragua Alex Lilo); Australia top-level domain name (Alex Lilo); Austria (Alex Lilo); avena unit
abrév., agric. antitoxic units
abrév., aviat. airspace user; application unit; assignable unit
abrév., aviat., canad. approach UNICOM
abrév., bours. AngloGold, LTD.
abrév., chim. atomic unit (атомная единица Paravoli)
abrév., chim., scient. Gold
abrév., chrom. area unit (Игорь_2006)
abrév., extens. Sun/Next Audio File (Vosoni)
abrév., fant. Alternate Universe
abrév., huil. asset utilization (A Hun)
abrév., informat. Access Unit; Sound - basic 8bit ulaw compressed audio file; access unit; arithmetic unit
abrév., milit. Analog Applique Unit
abrév., médic. Both Ears; activity unit; antitoxin unit
abrév., médic., latin. aures unitas
abrév., nations. African Unity
abrév., numism. About Uncirculated
abrév., organisation;nom de l. Architectural Institute of Japan
abrév., phys., médic. Both ears
abrév., plast. a polyurethane rubber type
abrév., polit. Australia; Austria
abrév., réseaux., informat. Amiga Usenet
abrév., scienc. aeolian deposit
abrév., scient. Annotation Unit
abrév., écoss. Air University (USA); Austria (NATO country code)
abrév., éduc., scient. American University; Andrews University; Auburn University
abrév., électr. administration unit; answer unit; authentication of user; annual limit of intake
abrév., élevag. animal unit
milit. airship, utility; alignment unit; all-up; Army unit; assault unit; auditor; auxiliary unit
techn. air-to-underwater
Игорь Миг, abrév. African Union (Африканский Союз)
Au [əu] abbr.
abrév. annual usage of part; augite; arbitrary unit; Gold; aurum
abrév., médic. gold; azauridine
abrév., électr. use availability
polym. Angstrom unit
techn. annual usage of; astronomical unit of length; aurum, gold
au [əu] abbr.
abrév. author
anat. auriculare (Natalya Rovina)
.au n
extens. Audio (file name extension); Australia
.AU n
informat. audio/basic
AU [əu] abbr.
abrév. Air University; Angström unit
abrév., astr. Astronomical Unit distance measurement (the distance from the earth to the sun Val_Ships)
abrév., aviat. aircraft utilization; arithmetical unit
abrév., entr. Automobile Standard
abrév., espac. accounting unit
abrév., pétr. absorbency unit; adapter unit; adder unit; alarm unit; assembly unit; astronomical unit
abrév., réseaux. arrangement unit
abrév., écol. activities implemented jointly
: 70 phrases, 12 sujets
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