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mark of the beastacentos
gen. начертание зверя (Middle English marke of the beast, translation of Late Latin character bestiae, translation of Greek charagma tou thēriou; 1. A stamp on the forehead or right hand of a worshipper of the Beast (Antichrist) as in the Bible, Revelation 13:16; 2. Hence a sign of whatever was considered to be of the Antichrist, or (loosely) evil or even bad manners Taras); знак зверя (Taras); печать зверя (Taras); число зверя (The lamb-horned beast from the earth also causes all people to receive the mark of the beast "in their right hand or in their forehead" Taras); отметка дьявола (Taras)
rel. начертание зверя (Allusion to Rv:16:2, 19:20)
mark of the beast
: 1 a las frases, 1 temas