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His [hɪz] sacentos
bioq. гистидин (Перевод сокращения уже есть (Гиc), но на всякий случай привожу слово целиком yaroslav14)
genét. Гис (dimock)
his [hɪz]
gen. его; принадлежащий ему
no est. у него (У него сестра на заводе работает – His sister works at the plant MichaelBurov)
sign. свой
HIS [hɪz] abbr.
med. ишемическая шкала Хачинского, ИШХ (Hachinski Ischaemic Score estherik)
 Inglés tesauro
HIS [hɪz] abbr.
abrev. Cigna High Income Shares; Hayman Island, Queensland, Australia; High-resolution Interferometer Spectrometer; Hiv Incidence Surveillance; Home Internet Solution; Honeywell Information System; Hostile Intelligence Services; Human Instruction Set; Human Systems Integration; Human Systems Interface
abrev., automóv. horizontal impact sensor
abrev., avia. hazard information system; high impedance surface; high intensity spectrometer; hood inflation system
abrev., comp. Human Interface Standard (Vosoni)
abrev., crio. Hyperspectral Imaging Sensor
abrev., econ., fin. Heng Seng Index
abrev., electr. heterostructure insulation stripe laser; high impedance state; holographic information storage; home information system; homogeneous information sets; Honeywell Information System, Inc.; House information system
abrev., escoc. High Integrity Systems Ltd (UK); Hostile Intelligence Service; Hyperspectral Imagery
abrev., extens. History of executing/ viewing/ editing
abrev., fisiol. HIV Incidence Surveillance
abrev., IT Health Information System
abrev., meteorol. Hospital Infection Society; Hospital Information System (harser)
abrev., petról. hydraulic horsepower per square inch
abrev., sajal. Heat Stress Index
abrev., tec. hot section inspection
industr. high-speed interface
mil. heliborne illumination system; hybrid infrared source
petr. human interface station
tec. hit indicator system; hybrid instrumentation system; hydrogen igniter system; hydrogen ignition subsystem; hydrogen ignition system
univ., educ., cient. History
his [hɪz] abbr.
abrev. holes
His [hɪz] abbr.
abrev. histidine
quím. Histidine aminoacid (Vosoni)
-His abbr.
abrev., med. histidino
His- abbr.
abrev., med. histidyl
HIs [hɪz] abbr.
abrev., petról. hydrogen index (indices)
HIS [hɪz] abbr.
abrev. high speed steel
abrev., cienc. heavy ion source; hydrological information system
abrev., espac. hardware interrupt system
abrev., petról. high-resolution interferometer sounder; high-speed steel; hue-intensity-saturation
abrev., rar. health inspection service (igisheva)
his features were a good deal like those of Leonardo da Vinci, moreover he was kempt, looked in
: 3 a las frases, 2 temas