
   Ruso Inglés
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хотел бы я знать
 хотел бы я знать
gen. I wonder; I wish I knew
| когда
gen. ever; sometimes; as; now; just as; what time
| это
gen. this is
- se han encontrado palabras individuales

a las frases
хотел бы я знатьacentos
gen. I wonder (Anglophile); I wish I knew
inf. sure wish I knew (A cat is recovering after it was discovered in a package that was shipped from Asia to Vancouver, according to the British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. It's not clear how long the feline spent in transit, the B.C. SPCA said, but upon discovery the cat was found to be severely dehydrated, fearful and underweight. More than $10,000 has been donated toward Precious's medical care, which includes veterinary care, blood tests, medications and spay surgery. (cbc.ca) – "Who did that horrific thing?!" "Sure wish I knew." (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
хотел бы я знать , когда это
: 1 a las frases, 1 temas