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gen. manifold; repeated; frequent; multiple; multifold
gram. frequentative; iterative
IT many-fold
mil. multiple event
progr. multiple copy
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gen. static
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a las frases
многократный adj.acentos
gen. manifold; repeated; frequent; multiple; multifold; multi-visit (Anglophile); numerous; copious (typist); multiplex; threefold
Gruzovik compound
antic. an old offender; old
electr. multipass; multipassing
ferroc. multi-
fís. nonsingle
gram. frequentative; iterative
ingen. multistage
IT many-fold; manyfold
makár. endless; plural
mat. reiterated
mil. multiple event
petr. recurrent
progr. multiple copy (ssn); repeatable (ssn)
tec. multi-rate (Alex_Odeychuk); repetitive
telecom. multihop (Лена55)
многократно adv.
gen. time and time again (Александр Рыжов); a great deal (Alex_Odeychuk); manifoldly (maxxx9999); multiple times (ssn); many times over (Elina Semykina); time and again; manifold (international trade grew manifold kriemhild); over and over (Aluminum is the only material you can recycle over and over. ART Vancouver); lots (Vadim Rouminsky); exponentially (Post Scriptum); thrice; iteratively (Ivan Pisarev)
Gruzovik over and over again
Игорь Миг by far; on separate occasions; on multiple occasions
antic. manytimes
fig. a hundred-fold (My life – and my productivity – improved a hundred-fold. capricolya)
form. manyfold (The state's highway expenses have increased manyfold in the past decade. – мнократно возросли dictionary.com ART Vancouver)
industr. scores of time
makár. multiply; oftentimes; repeatedly
mat. over and over again (these digits are used over and over again in various combinations)
med. frequency
petr. in multiple occasions (Bemer)
polím. frequently
progr. over multiple times (The resulting list is iterated over multiple times. — Обход полученного списка выполняется многократно. Alex_Odeychuk)
tec. many times
многократно статически
: 2 a las frases, 2 temas