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IT Ultimate
armas. ceiling value
gen. crest value; peak value
gen. supreme; full blast; highest possible; as high as possible
banc. critical fraud
| накопленный
gen. cumulative
объм | добычи
gen. procurement
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a las frases
максимальный adj.acentos
gen. supreme; full blast; highest possible (Anfil); as high as possible (MichaelBurov); ultimate; utmost (xakepxakep); most; maximum; maximal; ceiling; top; peak; full-blast; qualifying (sankozh); longest possible (по продолжительности YuliaO); the greatest possible (MichaelBurov)
Gruzovik greatest
banc. critical fraud (допустимый)
constr. bearable (напр., о нагрузке)
electrod. largest possible (Александр Стерляжников)
IT max
jerg. the most
makár. peak (об измерит. приборе)
mat. crest
náut. peak (об измерительном приборе)
perf. overload
retór. extreme (Alex_Odeychuk)
sist. critical
tec. maxi (v3p1s4); be a maximum; largest; highest; stalled (применительно к работоспособности регулятора частоты вращения Харламов); be a maximum
максимально adv.
gen. at most; to the maximum (melody); maximally; to the uttermost; as best one can (Vitalique); as much as practical (Secretary); to the greatest possible extent (basja); as can be (Make sure your thinking is positive and your motives are as clean as can be. VLZ_58); to the fullest extent (Гевар)
Игорь Миг to the fullest
amer. to the limit
idiom. to the fullest degree (Баян); at the outside (Alexander Matytsin)
inf. to the max (Andrey Truhachev)
jerg. to the hilt
lat. ad maximum (jagr6880)
makár. the utmost; to the utmost
mat. at the most; as much as possible
prod. in maximum (Yeldar Azanbayev)
publ. the limit
retór. extremely (Alex_Odeychuk)
sajal. maximum; to the extent possible
максимальное adj.
gen. crest value; peak value; with authority (характеристика чего-либо n_sunnie)
максимальная adj.
agroq. maximum hygroscopic moisture
armas. ceiling value
Максимальная adj.
IT Ultimate (о редакции Windows 7 Alex Lilo)
максимальный накопленный
: 5 a las frases, 5 temas
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