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FDA abbr.acentos
abrev. Fatal Drugs Allowed; FORTRAN Design Aid (FORTRAN); Food and Drug Administration (US)
abrev., avia. Flight Data Administration; fatigue damage analysis; flight director adapter; flight data analysis (makhno)
abrev., banc. financial derivatives foreign (MichaelBurov)
abrev., cienc. frequency domain analysis
abrev., com. Food and Drug Act
abrev., dep. Food and Drug Administration of U.S.
abrev., electr. file data address; finite-difference approximation; floating diffusion amplifier; formatted document architecture class; functionally distributed architecture
abrev., equip. floppy disk analyzer (ssn)
abrev., estados., mil. Food and Drug Administration
abrev., jur. First Directions Appointment (Vasq)
abrev., lab.eq. Fluorescein Diacetate A
abrev., mat., cient. Functional Data Analysis
abrev., med. fluorescein diacetate; frontodextra anterior (position of the fetus); Fisher Discriminant Analysis (fetal Position); @U.S. Food and Drug Administration
abrev., mil., avia. fighter defensive all-weather
abrev., náut. Final Disbursement Account (Nectarine)
abrev., pesc. fish aggregating device (kOzerOg)
abrev., petról. film distillation apparatus; filter debris analysis; form-dimethylamide
abrev., sist. fire detection and alarm; fire detection and alarm system
abrev., telecom. First Delivery Attempt (Попытка первоначальной доставки (FDA) выполняет немедленную доставку (прямую доставку) сообщений, не полагаясь на технологию или мощность системы, передаваемую с промежуточным хранением. http://www.comverse.com/messaging_router.aspx?product=first_delivery_attempt; http://www.comverse.com/ru/messaging_router.aspx?productId=778 naturalblue); first delivery attempt (naturalblue)
abrev., transp. Front Driving Axle
bases. Fast Data Access (Alex_Odeychuk)
industr. flash drier absorber
mil., abrev. fighter director aircraft; final delivered article; folded dipole antenna; forward defense area
tec., abrev. fault detection and annunciation; final design acceptance; final design analysis; final design approval; final design authorization; floating decimal accumulator; frequency distortion analyzer
FdA s
gen. Foundation degree in Arts (Anglophile)
: 25 a las frases, 13 temas
Cuidado de la salud1
Ensayo clínico1
Farmacia y farmacología2