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IID abbr.acentos
mat. независимые и одинаково распределённые (о случайных величинах)
progr. итеративная и инкрементальная разработка (см. iterative and incremental development ssn); идентификатор интерфейса (Microsoft Alex_Odeychuk)
 Inglés tesauro
IID abbr.
abrev., automóv. ignition interlock device
abrev., avia. incomplete item disposal
abrev., banc. interest on debt intragroup (MichaelBurov)
abrev., electr. impurity-induced disordering; interaural intensity difference; ion implantation doping; ion-induced desorption
IID abbr.
abrev. International Institutional Delivery; Internet Infrastructure Division; Integrated Information Display; Interface IDentifier (COM)
abrev., cienc. ionospheric ion density
abrev., electr., cient. Independent Identical Distributed
abrev., fisiol. Insulin Dependent Diabetes
abrev., fisiol., med. Insulin dependent diabetes
abrev., IT Independent Identically Distributed; Instance Identifier; Interface Identifier
abrev., mat., cient. Identically And Independently Distributed; Independent And Identically Distributed
abrev., petról. independent, identically distributed
abrev., polic. Internal Investigation Division (hizman)
abrev., progr. iterative and incremental development (ssn)
mil. infrared intrusion detector; integrated instrument development; intermittently integrated Doppler
tec. image intensifier device; impact ionization diode; integrated information display system; intrinsic infrared detector
: 1 a las frases, 1 temas