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astron. towing
equip. tow
kayak. tow
transp. trail behind
TV drag-and-drop
gen. haul; have in tow
náut. to how in by; warp
náut. makár. tow
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gen. agency
| наматывания
gen. winding
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gen. tug; drag; track; haul
Игорь Миг haul off
astron. towing
automóv. draft; draught; trail; tow; trailer (to transport by trailer.: The engine wouldn't run any more so we had to trailer my old car to the wrecking yard. wiktionary.org Andrey Truhachev)
avia. aerotow; push
constr. haulage
econ. have in tow
equip. tow (цепью)
hidr. draw
IT drag (объект на экране, нажав клавишу мыши)
kayak. tow (перевернувшееся судно к берегу)
mil. pull
náut. take in tow; warp; pull by something (чем-либо Johnny Bravo)
tec. trail behind
TV drag-and-drop
буксироваться v
gen. haul; have in tow
náut. to how in by something (чем-либо Johnny Bravo); warp
náut., makár. tow
tec. trail behind
буксирующий prtc.
náut. hauling
petról. towing
буксированный prtc.
náut. hauled
буксироваться v
transp. trail behind
буксировать посредством наматывания
: 1 a las frases, 1 temas