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a las frases
communications security
comun., IT protezione delle informazioni; sicurezza della trasmissione; sicurezza delle comunicazioni
Communication Security
comun. sicurezza delle comunicazioni
Communications Security
comun. sicurezza delle comunicazioni
 Inglés tesauro
communications security
estados. The protection resulting from all measures designed to deny unauthorized persons information of value that might be derived from the possession and study of telecommunications, or to mislead unauthorized persons in their interpretation of the results of such possession and study (JP 6-0)
tec., abrev. comm scty
communication security COMSEC / TRANSEC
mil., logíst. Protection resulting from all measures aimed at denying access of unauthorized personnel to information gathered from the study of telecommunications. It comprises: 1. the security of transmissions; 2. the control of emissions; 3. ciphering; 4. physical security measures for communication systems, equipment and information. FRA
communication security
mil., logíst. The protection resulting from the application of cryptographic, transmission, emission and physical security measures to deny unauthorized persons any information of value which might be derived from the study of all means of communication. (FRA)
communications security
: 5 a las frases, 3 temas
Tecnología de la información1