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ambient. zaj
| exposure
agric. megvilágítás; megvilágítási idő
ambient. kitettség/expozíció
fin. kihelyezés; kitettség
| measure
estad. cienc. quím. számszerû érték
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a las frases
noise [nɔɪz] s
estad. zaj
noise Sound which is unwanted, either because of its effects on humans, its effect on fatigue or malfunction of physical equipment, or its interference with the perception or detection of other sounds [nɔɪz] s
ambient. zaj
 Inglés tesauro
noise [nɔɪz] abbr.
abrev., petról. bt
IT Disturbances in data transmissions, such as static, that cause messages to be misinterpreted by the receiver
NOISE [nɔɪz] abbr.
abrev., avia. national organization to insure a sound-controlled environment
Noise [nɔɪz] s
ecol., abrev. N
noise exposure
: 4 a las frases, 3 temas
Cuidado de la salud1