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 Inglés tesauro
mod. abbr.
abrev. modified; modifier; module (modulus); model; modern (Vosoni); modernized (Vosoni)
abrev., cienc. modification; modulator; modulus
abrev., radio modulation; modulated
mod [mɔd] abbr.
abrev. modeling; modification
abrev., espac. modification, modify
agric. moderate
intern. moderator (acrogamnon)
IT modular
polím. model; modulus
MOD [mɔd] abbr.
abrev., econ. mail-order department
Mod. abbr.
abrev. Modern Reports; moderato
MoD [mɔd] abbr.
abrev. Ministry of Defence (UK)
MOD [mɔd] abbr.
abrev. message output descriptor; moves on demand; module (modulus); Manager On Duty; Materials On Demand; Ministry Of Darkness; Mission Operations Division; Mothers Of the Disappeared; Magneto-Optical Disk (OD); Magneto-Optical Drive (Vosoni); Mastas Of Destruction; maximum operating depth (denghu); Memorandum Of Disagreement; Ministry of Overseas Development; Miscellaneous Operational Details; Missions Outreach Day; Mobile Obstacle Detachment; modernization; modified; modify; Ministry of Defence (sometimes written MoD; UK); modulator; module; Music On Disk
abrev., armas. ministry of defense; Masters of Defense Knives (подразделение фирмы Blackhawk. Специализируется на тактических ножах Yuriy83)
abrev., austral. Minister of Defence
abrev., automóv. Manufacturers Operation Division
abrev., avia. manufacturing operation data; Modesto, California USA; manufacturing operations data; mission operating directive
abrev., banc. Manufactured Overseas Dividends (aht)
abrev., cienc. minimum orbital density; mobile oil dike system; model output diagnosis
abrev., cult. Ministry of Defense (MichaelBurov)
abrev., dep. Masters Of Disaster; maximum oxygen debt
abrev., educ. Modification
abrev., electr. metallo-organic deposition; magneto-optical device; magneto-optical disc; magneto-optical display; maintenance and operations diagnostics; marginal oscillator detector; means of delivery; message origination date; metalorganic deposition; microwave and optoelectronic devices; modulation doped; movie on demand; multimedia on demand; music on demand
abrev., escoc. Ministry Of Defence Police Training School (UK; PTS)
abrev., espac. Mission Operations Directorate
abrev., extens. Model definitions (EPOC); Modula 2 Language Source Code File; Modula language source (Vosoni); Music format (Amiga module, DMP, ST, MDP, VP Vosoni); Windows 3.x Kernel MODule
abrev., fisiol. MODerate
abrev., fisiol., med. Moderate
abrev., fís., cient. Metal Oxide Deposition; Minimum Object Distance
abrev., gobiern. miscellaneous obligation document
abrev., ingl.brit. Ministry of Defence; Ministry of Defence, Army Department; Ministry of Defence, Navy; Ministry of Defence, Procurement Executive
abrev., IT moving objects database; Microsoft Multiplan Spreadsheet
abrev., jur. Merchants Of Death; Method Of Death
abrev., makár. metal-organic deposition
abrev., med. March of Dimes; Medicine On Delivery; Movies On Demand; multiple organ dysfunction (iwona); maturity-onset diabetes; Medicine, Osteopathy, and Dentistry; mesial, occlusal and distal surfaces of a tooth; Modoc
abrev., mil. Masters Of Deception; Masters Of Destruction; Method Of Destruction; Ministry Of Defence; Ministry Of Defense; Modernization; Modified; Modulo; Minister of Defense
abrev., mil., avia. magneto-optic device
abrev., mil., com. Ministry of Defence (Allied)
abrev., negoc. Mail Order Department; mode; modern; modernized; Money Order Department
abrev., odont. inlay MOD (MichaelBurov); mesio-occlusal distal (MichaelBurov); mesio-occlusal distal inlay (MichaelBurov); mesio-occlusal-distal (MichaelBurov); mesio-occlusal-distal inlay (MichaelBurov); mesioocclusal distal (MichaelBurov); mesioocclusal distal inlay (MichaelBurov)
abrev., petról. microwave oscillating diode; money of day; moderately
abrev., prod. massive oil deposit (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abrev., red d. magneto-optical disk
abrev., sajal. Money of the Day
abrev., serv. Management Operating Data system (work hours and workload management)
abrev., sist., IT Methods Of Destruction
fisiol. Medical officer of day
industr. mode of disturbance
IT, abrev. Ministry of Defence (UK, sometimes written MoD)
mil. manpower and organization division; medical officer of the day; military obligation designator; mission operations director; modular observation device; month of detachment
petr. magnetic optical disc
segur. motor own damage
tec. magnetic optical disk; modulated; modulation; module outfitting design; motor-operated disconnect
Mod. abbr.
abrev., cienc. moderate; modem
MODPE [mɔd] abbr.
abrev., espac. MoD procurement executive