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micr. Grande
quím. spacieux
| integrated circuit
 integrated circuit
comp. CI
IT circuit intégré
telecom. montage intégré
 integrated circuits
gen. circuits intégrés
 integrating circuit
cienc. mise de feu à intégration
- se han encontrado palabras individuales

sustantivo | adjetivo | a las frases
large [lɑ:ʤ] s
quím. spacieux
large [lɑ:ʤ] adj.
tec. grand (échelle)
Larger ['lɑːdʒə, 'lɑːrdʒər] adj.
micr. Grande (An item on the Text Size menu, which is opened from the Edit menu. Larger is one of the text size choices for the user's instant messages)
 Inglés tesauro
large [lɑ:ʤ] abbr.
abrev. l; lg; lge; lrg
abrev., amer., jerg. mega (I have mega amounts of tomatoes in my garden this summer)
LARGE [lɑ:ʤ] abbr.
abrev., jur. Legal Adjustments And Reforms For Globalizing The Economy
abrev., mil., avia. Los Alamos railgun estimator
tec. Los-Alamos railgun estimator
large integrated circuit
: 8 a las frases, 4 temas
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