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dbt s
fluj. fichier de texte
 Inglés tesauro
dbt abbr.
abrev., petról. debit
dbt. abbr.
abrev., econ. debit
DBT abbr.
abrev., avia. design build team; developed blank template
abrev., compuest. dibenzoterrylene (translator911)
abrev., comun. datex terminating unit
abrev., electr. data base technique; depleted base transistor; diffused base transistor; dimerized, buckled and tilted
abrev., mil. design basis threat
abrev., psic. dialectical behavior therapy (Валькирия)
dbt adv.
refr. dry-bulb temperature
DBT abbr.
abrev. Design Basis Threat (Millie)
abrev., avia. Debra Tabor Field, Ethiopia; design-build team
abrev., burs. D B T Online, Inc.
abrev., cienc. digital bathythermograph; dry bulb temperature
abrev., espac. design build teams; diffusion-bonded titanium; double base transistor
abrev., extens. Memo-field file (Clipper,DBase, FoxBase Vosoni)
abrev., fisiol. Dialectical Behavior Therapy
abrev., fisiol., med. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
abrev., IT Clipper DataBase text; dBASE IV Memo file for database w/same name; FoxPro Foxbase+ style memo
abrev., med. Double Blind Testing; double-blind trial
abrev., negoc. doubt
abrev., petról. dibenzothiophene
abrev., polím. di-p-biphenyl-thiocarbazone; dibutyl tin
abrev., quím. Dibutyl phthalate (Yuriy83); dibenzothiophen
industr. design-basis tornado; ductile-brittle transition
meteorol. dry-bulb and dew-point temperatures
negoc. Debt
tec. design basic tornado; double-base transistor