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CRBs abbr.
abrev., nacion., jur. Central Review Bodies
CRB abbr.
abrev. Certification Registration Body; Certified Residential Broker; Charles R. Bronfman; Commodity Research Bureau; Connecticut Review Board; Commodity Research Bureau Index (dimock); Contingency Reference Book; Control Of Response Bias; Council of Review Board; Central Radio Bureau
abrev., armas. Community Relations Plan; controller relay box
abrev., automóv. customer relationship building
abrev., avia. Collarenebri, New South Wales, Australia
abrev., banc. card recovery bulletin
abrev., cienc. Coal Research Bureau
abrev., comp. Channel Request Block (Vosoni)
abrev., dep. Core Rule Book
abrev., econ. Commodity Research Bureau (Пахно Е.А.)
abrev., electr. complementary return-to-bias; concurrent recovery block
abrev., electr., cient. Control of Response Bias
abrev., escoc. Capsill Roller Beam; COTS Replacement Box
abrev., espac. constant bit rate
abrev., fisiol. confusion, respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure
abrev., intern. Come Right Back
abrev., IT Complete Releasable Binding
abrev., marc. Certified Residential Brokerage
abrev., med. Center For Research Ethics & Bioethics; Chemical, Radiological, And Biological; Congenital Retinal Blindness; Cramer-Rao Bound; CAPA Review Board (Rada0414)
abrev., metal. cylindrical roller bearing (Киселев)
abrev., mil., avia. change review board
abrev., petról. clutch release bearing; Columbia River basalt
abrev., polic. Collision Report Book; Crime Reporting Bureau
abrev., red d., IT Call Record Buffer
abrev., textil, fr. Centre de Recherches de la Bonneterie
abrev., transp. Country Roads Board
mil. chemical, radiological, biological; configuration review board
tec. card reader buffer; control rod blade; cost review board
CrB abbr.
abrev., astr. Corona Borealis
lat. Corona Borealis (the Northern Crown, Северная Корона Vosoni)
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